105. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1
2446. Reference CINCPAC DTG 152221Z.2 It obvious CINCPAC recommendation reference telegram cancel assignment special training forces for Civil Guard based on inadequate appraisal internal security situation and urgent need step-up anti-guerrilla training Civil Guard (see Embassy despatch 251 Feb 16,3 containing Diem’s strong plea step-up Civil Guard, ARVN and SDC anti-guerrilla training in which I firmly concur).
While I realize it somewhat unorthodox assign special forces TDY USARMA, I personally made this recommendation in the national interest because I am firmly convinced internal security situation warrants taking extraordinary measures to accomplish one of most important aspects overall U.S. objectives Viet-Nam. I firmly believe if we cannot improvise and show some flexibility in this and other matters, merely because proposed action is unorthodox, we will not be able to meet serious internal threat or other objectives and our efforts here will fail to meet desired goals.
Prior receipt reftel Thuan, Secretary Presidency, made strong plea we bring special force group Viet-Nam soonest to assist urgent anti-guerrilla training Civil Guard. I explained MAAG ceiling problem and stated I had recommended group be assigned TDY USARMA for reasons explained MAGCH 186 27 Jan 1960 to CINCPAC.4 Thuan said he did not care how we brought them in and had no concern for possible ICC repercussions. I asked specifically whether GVN had any objection to increase number assistant military attaches. He replied agreeable any arrangements we wished to make as long as group arrived here soonest. Therefore suggested expedient will not be inimical primary mission USARMA as far as GVN concerned. If ICC should raise question we would in first instance take position personnel assigned to attaché’s office do not fall within ICC purview. I am convinced if ICC persisted we could handle matter either by frankly explaining purely civilian aspect groups job or if necessary stall matter over long period of time while group is getting essential job done, or perhaps as Thuan suggested we could pay no attention to any ICC protests since commission continues [Page 288] refuse consider strong GVN protests about stepped-up Viet-Cong subversive ETD guerrilla activities.
In view above I strongly recommend against negative CINCPAC suggestion and urge immediate favorable decision assign group here TDY USARMA. Request this matter be discussed urgently with DOD in order obtain DOD’s and ACSI concurrence.
Chief MAAG continues believe placing this team on TDY to USARMA is feasible and the best solution to problem at hand.