33. Telegram From the Embassy in Austria to the Department of State1

3787. MinInt Helmer informed Emb today that Mikoyan in yesterday’s private talks with AustGovt Mins stressed Sov desires with West, and repeatedly asserted Sovs convinced U.S. equally desires world peace. Mikoyan said U.S. efforts on behalf peace during Suez crisis made powerful impression SovGovt and people. Mikoyan said method implementing universal desire for peace difficult to find. Wide demilitarized zone in Europe offered possibilities, whereas proposal ban further manufacture atomic weapons without destroying present stockpiles merely device to freeze Western superiority. Added that ways to detente will simply have to be found, since both sides so ardently desire peace.

Mikoyan then turned to Aust affairs, said he did not intend make public issue of such Aust acts as banning WPC and WFTU, decorating gendarme who shot Sov soldier, etc. Sov people regretted these incidents, could not understand how neutral democratic Aust did such things. Nevertheless Sov people desire friendliest relations with Aust. Mikoyan urged Aust restore friendly relations with Hungary, particularly because of pressure Sov troops there. Invited Raab and Vice Chancellor, as well as Helmer, to visit Moscow earliest possible date to conclude much broader trade agreement as well as possibly reach agreement on alterations State Treaty reparations obligations.

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Above info repeated to me substantially by Dir Gen FonOff Schoener. Brit Amb has similar info from other sources.

Helmer adds that Aust Cabinet members informally discussed among themselves Mikoyan’s invitation to Moscow, and consensus was visit should be made not later than autumn 1957. Feels that although he and other Austs feel Mikoyan’s flexibility probably merely tactics to restore pre-Hung coexistence policy, all Austs present at meeting much impressed by his shrewdness, and with some reservations apparent new departure in Sov for policy line. Memo of conversation by pouch.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 661.00/4–2557. Confidential. Repeated to Moscow, Paris, London, and Bonn.
  2. Not printed. (Despatch 1045, April 25; ibid., 763.00(W)/4–2557)