- Abdul Rahman, Ismail bin Dato, 800, 805
- Abdul Rahman, Tengku, 740, 767, 774, 784, 805
- Abdulgani, Roeslan, 128, 138, 240, 260, 269–270, 327
- Acly, R. Austin, 6–7
- Adams, Sherman, 199
- Afro-Asian Conference. See Bandung Conference.
- Agung, Anak Agung Gde, 178, 181–182, 187–188, 194–195, 197–199, 208–209, 229
- Aidit, D.N., 344, 360, 433, 564
- Albert, Capt. Carlos, 619
- Alden, Robert, 895
- Algeria, 250
- Ali Sastroamidjojo:
- Chou En-lai joint statement, 150–152, 158, 164
- Indonesia:
- Communism in, 125
- Elections, 139
- Political situation, 127–129, 237, 247, 291
- Round Table Conference Agreement abrogation, 295–296, 299
- Sumatra revolution, 334–336, 339–341, 368, 373
- U.S. economic assistance, 257–258, 280–281, 288, 310, 315, 322, 328
- U.S. military equipment, 289–290, 302–303, 310–311
- U.S. position, 136
- Resignation, 362, 370
- Visit to People’s Republic of China, 167, 169
- Allison, John M.:
- Indonesia:
- Ambassadorial appointment, 342n
- Communist influence in Indonesia, 406–411, 416–418, 421–422, 435, 442–444, 456
- Djuanda Cabinet, 373–374, 388–392, 397–400
- National Round Table Conference, 414–416, 424–426, 432–435, 440
- Nationalization of Dutch property, 530–532, 539–541
- Political situation, 391–392, 421–424, 517, 537–539, 542–543, 544–546, 548–552, 555–558, 563–565, 576–578
- Regional rebellions, 377–380, 386, 403–404
- Soviet military assistance, 574–575
- Subandrio foreign policy, 375
- Sukarno assassination attempt, 524–527
- Sukarno concept, 368–369, 421–424
- Sukarno’s health, 560
- U.S. economic assistance, 375, 386
- U.S. military assistance and equipment, 365–366, 388, 392–393, 396–397, 475–480, 484–485, 496–497
- New Guinea dispute, 373, 426–429, 440, 483, 485–491, 500–502, 512–514, 521–522
- Resignation proposed, 456, 557n Allison, John M., Mrs., 342, 349
- Indonesia:
- Ambassador From the Prairie (Allison), 409, 456, 508–509, 556–557
- Amphorn Suwannabon, 855, 875–876, 879
- Ananda, King, 911
- Anderson, Dillon, 83, 160–161, 860, 882
- Anderson, William O., 737, 777
- Anschuetz, Norbert L.:
- ANZUS, 432, 488, 568, 780, 788
- ANZUS Council Meeting, 457, 464, 466–471, 481
- Arifin, Zainul, 202, 260–261
- Armstrong, W. Park, 760–761
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 732–733
- Asia Foundation, 42, 479
- Asian-African Conference. See Bandung Conference.
- Asian Economic Development Fund (see also Mutual Security Act of 1955: Sec. 418):
- Aung Gi, Col., 97–98
- Australia:
- Communism in Indonesia, 143–144, 468
- Communism in Malaya and Singapore, 745, 754, 771–774
- Indonesia, relations with, 469, 533–534, 536–537, 547, 568–569, 572–573
- Military assistance to Indonesia, 498–499
- New Guinea dispute, 134–135, 162–167, 184, 192–194, 313–314, 366–367, 431–432, 440–441, 463, 469, 486, 502, 506
- Treaty of Friendship with Indonesia, 194
- Wheat flour sales, 26
- Australian Christian Student Movement, 469
- Ba Swe, U:
- Ba, U, 4
- Babao, Numeriano U., 664
- Baghdad Pact, 884–885
- Baird, James C., Jr.:
- Baldwin, Charles F., 8–11, 53, 370, 823
- Bambang Sugeng, Gen., 128, 167–168
- Bandung Conference, 127–128, 139, 144, 150, 175–176, 180, 224
- Banteng Council. See under Indonesia.
- Bao Dai, 410
- Barbour, Walworth, 147–148, 300
- Barco, James W., 516
- Barnes, Robert G., 530
- Barrington, James:
- Basch, Antonin, 30, 41
- Batista, Juan, 371
- Battle Act. See Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951.
- Becker, Loftus E., 465
- Bell, James D.:
- Bell Trade Act. See Philippine Trade Act; Philippines: Trade Agreement.
- Bendetsen, Karl R.:
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 4–5, 16
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 70n, 75n, 515n, 685
- Berry, Lampton, 736
- Bishop, Max W., 861–864, 871n, 90–932, 875–881, 889–891, 895–899, 901, 917–922, 936–940, 944–946
- Black, Eugene R., 16, 889
- Black, Sir Robert, 767n, 777
- Bo Khin Maung Gale, 28
- Bock, Benjamin, 628
- Boggs, Marion W., 400–402
- Bohlen, Charles E.:
- Borneo. See under Indonesia.
- Braddock, Daniel M., 587
- Bradford, Saxton, 610, 739
- Brand, 625–627, 686–688, 720–721
- Brownell, Gen. Herbert, Jr., 583n, 636–637
- Brucker, Wilber M., 452
- Brundage, Percival F., 886
- Bulganin, Marshal Nikolai A., 27n, 105, 844
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 260, 484, 533, 610, 620
- Burma:
- Border disputes, 40, 43–44, 81, 106
- Chinese People’s Republic military assistance, 25
- Chinese People’s Republic Military Mission, 24–25, 27–29
- Communism in, 3–4, 7, 9, 11–13, 21, 36–40, 44–45, 54–59, 65–72, 80, 82, 100
- Communist bloc barter deals, 9, 13, 15, 21, 29–31, 58–59, 102
- Corruption in government, 8, 18, 88
- Defense and internal security:
- Economic development, 8–9, 91, 108–109
- Economic situation, 102–103
- Elections, 20, 29, 36, 61–62, 64
- Government of the Union of Burma (GUB) (see also
Political parties
- Barter deals with Communist countries, 9, 30, 74, 110
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 11
- Economic development program, 61
- Foreign aid, 110
- Rice policy, 10
- Soviet aid, 52
- U.S. arms proposal, 2–3
- U.S. economic development loan programs, 8, 23, 48–50, 61–64, 68, 76, 119–120
- U.S. military assistance, 96–97, 106–108, 110–111, 113
- U.S. technical assistance, 12–13
- Indian economic assistance, 17–19, 21, 31, 118, 123
- Japan, relations with, 104
- Medical center, 32–33, 38–39, 42, 45, 50–51
- Minerals export:
- Neutralism, 20, 29–30, 37, 56, 58, 60–62, 64, 75, 79–80, 82, 90–91, 100, 103–104, 109
- Political parties (see also Government of the Union of Burma (GUB) below):
- Political situation, 57–59, 99–100
- Rice exports, 4–6, 8–10, 13, 15–16, 102, 122–123, 216–217, 823n, 857, 870, 872–875
- Rubber exports to People’s Republic of China, 21–24, 34, 45, 48, 61, 63, 75
- Soviet mission, 34, 42, 46–47
- Soviet technical assistance, 27, 33, 42, 47–48, 52, 90
- Technical assistance:
- Technological institute, 33, 35, 37–38, 42, 48, 52, 90
- U.S. economic assistance, 17–22, 39, 41–42, 45, 66–73, 77–78, 89–92, 115–116, 119–120
- U.S. military assistance, 39, 45, 54–57, 59–60, 79–82, 87–89, 96–97, 106–108, 121–122
- U.S. P.L. 480 program, 21–28, 31, 35, 39, 41, 45, 49–50, 76, 91, 101, 109, 122–124
- U.S. Police Survey Team, 111, 114, 119, 122
- U.S. rice exports, 199, 207, 216–217
- U.S. technical assistance, 31–33, 38–39, 44, 47, 65, 116
- Burrows, Charles R., 646, 651–653
- Bushner, Rolland H., 892–895, 910–913, 916–917, 923–925, 928–930, 934–935, 943–944
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 738
- Byington, Homer M., Jr., 805
- Bylandt, W.F.L., 135
- Byrnes, James F., 105
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 199–200
- Caine, Sir Sydney, 753, 763
- Cambodia:
- Cameron, T.C., 319–321, 518–521
- Campbell, Archibald, 765, 768–770, 778
- Canada, 654, 666
- Casey, Richard G., 189–191, 314, 366–367, 440–441, 467, 480–482, 506, 533–534, 569, 572–573
- Celebes. See Indonesia: Sulawesi revolt.
- Ceylon:
- Chaem Promyong, 911
- Chiang Kai-shek, 318, 410
- Chiap Chaiyasong, 911
- Chiefs of Mission in East Asia Conference, Baguio, 164
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of, 40, 43–44, 101
- Chou En-lai:
- Chronicle (Manila), 597–598, 660, 720
- CINCPAC operations:
- Cochran, H. Merle, 215, 296–297
- Cochran-Subardjo agreement, 197n, 276, 348
- Coffey, John P., 336
- Collier, Col. Robert B., 555, 558–559, 561–562
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 164
- Colombo Conference (Singapore, 1955), 753
- Colombo Plan, 160, 468, 843–844
- Commonwealth Consultative Committee.
- See Consultative Committee on Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia.
- Conover, Harry, 823–825
- Consultative Committee on Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia, 126, 843n
- Corcoran, Thomas J., 893–895
- Cotton exports, U.S. to Burma, 22–23, 26, 31, 123–124
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy, 6, 824, 868, 872, 874
- Cuaderno, Michael, 630–634, 640, 728
- Cuenco, Mariano, 664, 681
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 161
- Indonesia:
- Advisory Council, 345–346, 351–353, 356
- Communism in, 351–353, 356–357, 359–361, 420–421, 436–440
- Coup attempt, 329–331
- Departure date, 342–343
- Dutch citizens trial, 272–273
- Fulbright agreement, 270, 274
- National Round Table Conference, 436, 448–449
- Nationalization of Dutch property, 529
- New Guinea dispute, 134–135, 162–167, 179–181, 186–188, 209–210, 214–215, 225, 232, 332–334
- NSC Ad Hoc Committee report, 448–449
- Petroleum resources, 178–179
- Political parties, 325–326
- Political situation, 125–126, 131–132, 136–139, 148–153, 167–170, 175–176, 181–182, 200–205, 232–234, 240–242, 250, 260–261, 343
- Round Table Conference Agreement, 262–263, 293–296, 298–300
- South Moluccas insurgency, 553–554
- Soviet economic assistance, 314–316
- Sukarno family, 349–350
- Sukarno speeches on dissolution of political parties, 326–328
- Sukarno State visits assessment, 316–319
- Sukarno visit to U.S., 210–211, 224, 242, 257–258, 269, 282–284
- Sumatra revolution, 334–338, 387–388
- U.S. economic assistance, 257–258, 264, 280–281, 288–289, 303–307, 309–310, 312, 314–316, 322, 328
- U.S. military assistance, 220, 224, 261–262, 276–277, 289–290, 292, 302–303, 346–347, 365–366
- U.S. P.L. 480 program, 207, 216–217, 264
- U.S.-Indonesian relations, 130–131, 273–275
- Indonesia:
- Cuthell, David C., 600, 606–608, 633–634, 647–648, 650n
- Cutler, Robert, 129, 370, 400–401, 450–452, 709
- Cyprus, 177
- Czechoslovakia:
- Darul Islam. See under Indonesia: Political parties.
- Davis, Adm. A.C.:
- Day, Henry B., 583n, 588
- De la Mare, Walter, 778, 781
- Delgado, Francisco, 636–637
- Dien Ben Phu, 736
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 249, 530
- Dirksen, Everett M., 12, 21, 27
- Djuanda Kartawidjaja:
- Indonesia:
- Cabinet, 388, 390, 395–396, 408, 448, 562
- Candidate for elections, 126–127
- Moluccas insurgency, 554
- National round table conference, 415–416, 424–426, 479
- Political situation, 125–129, 131–132, 377–379, 397–400, 539–541, 544–545, 555–556, 560, 575
- Prime Minister appointment, 373–374
- Resignation, 495, 545
- Sukarno assassination attempt, 525–526
- Sukarno’s Independence Day speech, 414–416
- U.S. economic assistance, 257–258, 281, 288–289, 292, 303–304, 315, 322, 325–326, 328, 397n, 516
- Visit to Sumatra, 375, 379–380
- New Guinea dispute, 483, 485, 488–490
- Visit to U.S., 126n, 257–258
- Indonesia:
- Dodge Council. See Council on Foreign Economic Policy.
- Dodge, Joseph M., 824n
- Drees, Willem, 543, 551–552, 563
- Dulles, Allen W., 217–218, 229, 254, 338–339, 357–358
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Burma:
- Border disputes, 40, 81
- Bulganin-Khrushchev visit, 29–30
- Communist bloc tactics in, 44–45
- Conversations with U Nu, 13
- Economic situation, 14–17
- U.S. economic assistance, 22, 48–50, 63–64, 66–67, 75–78, 96–97, 111–112, 114, 118
- U.S. military assistance, 119–120
- U.S. P.L. 480 program, 25–27, 49–50, 118
- Visit to, 1–4
- Illness, 908
- India, visit to, 862
- Indonesia:
- Abrogation of Round Table Conference Agreement, 234–235, 293
- Communist influence, 410, 420–421
- Dutch citizens trial, 170–172, 174, 221–222, 228–229
- National round table conference, 436
- Sukarno assassination attempt, 524
- Sukarno State Visit to U.S., 236, 239, 267–268, 331–332
- U.S. economic assistance, 195–197, 220, 324–325, 353, 393–394, 572–573
- U.S. military assistance, 515–516
- U.S. policy, 528
- Visit to, 239–240, 243–247, 250–253, 255
- New Guinea dispute, 182–185, 189–192, 208–209, 212, 226–227, 418, 441, 451, 502–503, 509, 514–515, 523–524
- Philippines:
- Post-SEATO trip, 637, 643n, 861, 863n
- Thailand:
- U.S.-Chinese discussions, 19n
- U.S. military bases survey, 709
- Burma:
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 580–582, 595n
- Dunham, Chester G., 184–185, 188–189, 243–247
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 765–766, 768–769, 777, 779–780
- Economic Summit Conference, Geneva, 1955, 104–105, 826n
- Eden, Anthony:
- Egypt (see also Suez Canal), 71–72, 101, 103, 328n, 333
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 226n, 228n, 286n, 321, 509, 530, 541–542
- Elizalde, Joaquin, 619
- Erskine, Gen. Graves B.:
- Export-Import Bank:
- Faure, Edgar, 117, 200
- Federation of Malaya. See Malaya.
- Ferguson, Homer:
- Court of Military Appeals assignment, 638n
- Philippines:
- Finland, 103–104
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 74, 831
- Flag protocols, 652–654, 665–667, 678–679
- Flemming, Arthur S., 129, 200
- Ford Foundation, 42
- Foreign Operations Administration, 830n
- Forman, Douglas N., 893–895
- Formosa. See Taiwan.
- Foster, Rockwood H., 821–822, 825–827, 838–839, 842–844, 856–858
- Fujiyama, Aiichiro, 573–574
- Fulbright agreement with Indonesia, 270, 274, 284, 318
- Galbraith, Francis J., 142, 332
- Garcia, Carlos P., 713–715, 719–720, 723, 726–728, 730–733
- Garner, Robert L., 889
- Gatot Subroto, 369
- German Democratic Republic:
- German, Robert K., 466–471
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 563, 569
- Gerrety, J.M., 743
- Gleason, S. Everett:
- Godel, W.H., 866–868
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 908
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J.:
- Goodwin, Adm. Hugh H., 585–586
- Goonetilleke, Sir Oliver, 863
- Gough, Betty, 182–183
- Graves, Sir Hubert, 763, 765, 768–769, 771, 777–778
- Gray, Gordon:
- Gromyko, Andrei, 306
- Guam, 619, 822
- Guzmán, Jacobo Arbenz, 403
- Hague Court. See International Court of Justice.
- Hakim, Lukman, 556
- Halim, Abdul, 169
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 333, 516n, 520, 523
- Hanafi, A.M., 369, 374, 485
- Hanes, John W., Jr.:
- Hanifah, Gen. Abu, 168, 180, 182, 186–187, 283
- Harahap, Burhanuddin, 231, 407
- Harahap government. See under Indonesia.
- Haring, Philip E., 146–148, 197–199, 215, 225–226, 232
- Hatta, Mohammad (see also Sukarno-Hatta partnership), 138–139, 148–149, 168–169, 175–176, 203–204, 214–215, 217, 281, 351–353, 374, 384, 525, 555, 557n, 576
- Henderson, Loy, 342
- Hensel, H. Struve, 60, 134
- Herter, Christian A., 114–117, 120, 358, 377, 400–401, 440–441
- Herter-Richards visit to Asia, 930–933
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 485
- Hidajat, Col., 302, 348, 397n, 558
- Hkun Hkio Sao, 4, 85
- Hollister, John B.:
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr.:
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 189–192, 738
- Howe, Fisher, 490–491, 690
- Humphrey, George M., 160, 254, 860, 884–887
- Hungary, 27, 101, 104, 321, 328, 333, 422
- Hussein, Lt. Col. Ahmad, 334–335, 338, 340, 354, 372, 377, 379, 382–383, 403, 467, 521
- India:
- Indochina, 646, 817
- Indonesia (see also
New Guinea dispute):
- Advisory Council, 343–346, 354–356, 358, 363–364, 370
- Ali government, 233, 237, 239, 247, 260–261, 339–341, 384
- All Indonesian Congress, 163
- American personnel:
- Banteng Council, 334–336, 372, 378–379
- Blitz articles, 527, 565
- Borneo:
- China, People’s Republic of, dual citizenship treaty with, 151
- China, People’s Republic of, influence, 417–418, 577
- Communism in, 125–126, 131–132, 147, 153–157, 176, 200, 207, 220, 232–233, 240–242, 255, 291, 359–361, 402–403, 471–475, 494
- Constituent Assembly, 126, 211, 398, 415
- Corruption in government, 388–389, 429
- Coup attempt, 329–331
- Dutch Consulates closed, 531
- Dutch personnel, safety of, 550
- Dutch property takeovers, see Nationalization of Dutch property below
- Elections, 125–129, 131, 137–144, 153–154, 166–167, 169, 173, 198–205, 207, 210, 211n, 216, 218, 219
- Fulbright program, 270, 274, 284, 318
- Harahap government, 198, 207, 213–215, 227, 229–231, 237, 449
- Japan, relations with, 199, 269–270
- Java, Communist influence, 406–408, 431–432, 436–440, 445–446, 449, 461, 467, 469, 471, 503, 511, 561
- Jogjakarta Conference of 1955, 172, 175
- Linggadjati Agreement, 405
- Madiun uprising of 1948, 131, 155, 351, 360, 433n
- Malaya, relations with, 751
- Marhaenism, 148
- Medan, American Consulate, 334–337
- Moluccas, 521–522, 553–554
- National Council, 395–398, 402–405, 409, 415, 430, 466, 489, 564
- National Economic Planning Board, 370
- National Round Table Conference, 415–416, 420–421, 424–426, 432–436, 446–449, 450, 461, 466–469, 475, 477, 479, 495, 499
- Nationalization of Dutch property, 518–519, 523, 529–532, 539–541, 546, 549–550
- Natural resources, 153–154
- Netherlands, relations with (see also Dutch subheadings above and New Guinea dispute), 134–135, 155
- Operations Coordinating Board plan, 782
- Petroleum resources, 178–179
- Political parties, 233, 283–284, 337
- Darul Islam, 233, 272, 325–328, 354, 360–361, 382, 507
- IPKI, 337
- Masjumi, 125, 130–132, 136–141, 148–149, 169, 173, 200–205, 207, 216, 229, 283, 339, 341, 356, 363, 382, 390, 395–396, 407–408, 416, 417, 439, 523, 544–545, 576
- Murba, 410
- NU, 132, 199–205, 207, 291, 327, 341, 344, 356, 382, 439
- Pantja Sila, 327
- Parkindo, 201, 205
- PKI, 125, 131–132, 139, 141, 148–149, 169, 199–202, 205, 207, 291, 337, 340, 342, 344, 351, 354, 356, 360–361, 363–364, 390, 402, 405–408, 410–411, 417, 430, 436–440, 467–468, 475, 503, 508, 523, 544, 564
- PNI, 125, 127–132, 136–141, 169, 199, 201–205, 207, 216, 233, 283, 337, 341, 405, 416–417, 439, 475
- PSI, 125, 130, 169, 356, 544–545
- SOBSI, 141, 358, 546, 564
- Political situation, 126, 140–142, 167–170, 175–176, 290–291, 381–385, 429–431, 517, 534–535, 541–542, 548, 550–552, 567–571
- Renville Agreement, 405
- Rice sales, 31–32, 35, 206–208, 216–217, 868
- Rubber program, 160–161
- Singapore situation, 764
- Soviet bloc military assistance, 559, 570
- Soviet military assistance, 347, 473, 497
- State of War and Siege, 388, 390, 396, 399, 531n
- Sulawesi revolt, 338–339, 367, 377, 379–380, 389, 395, 398–399, 403–404, 430, 435, 438
- Sumatra:
- “Summit” talks with Dutch, 563–564, 569–570
- Timor, Portuguese presence, 164, 513
- Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation with U.S., 182, 195, 273–274
- Treaty of Friendship with Australia, 194
- U.S. economic assistance, 126, 128, 257–258, 264, 275, 280–281, 530
- U.S. military assistance, 261–262, 274, 276–277, 289–290, 302–303, 346–349, 392–393, 496–500, 515–516, 566–567
- U.S. P.L. 480 program, 195–199, 206–208, 216–217, 240, 243, 245, 248, 251, 257, 303, 306, 325, 453, 493–494
- U.S. rice sales, 31–32, 35
- U.S. technical assistance, 129, 133–134, 195, 292, 300–307, 309–313, 323–324, 331–332, 353, 386, 393–394, 572
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development:
- International Cooperation Administration:
- International Court of Justice:
- International Harvester, 46
- International Monetary Fund:
- Iran, 673, 885
- Iraq, 103, 885
- Irian dispute. See Netherlands; New Guinea dispute.
- Irwin, John N., III, 566–567
- Ismael, 309
- Iwa Kusumsumantri, 128, 141, 167–168, 173, 175
- Jani, Col., 558–559, 562
- Japan:
- Burma, relations with, 104
- Communist influence, 568
- Indonesia, relations with, 269–271, 529, 573–574
- Military equipment sales, 303
- Prisoners of war, 105
- Reparations agreements, 269–272, 332–333, 388
- Rice sales (U.S. P.L. 480 program), 4–6, 15n, 53, 869, 874
- Status of forces agreements, 682–684, 697
- Trade relations, 272
- Jarvis, Francis G., 25n
- Java. See under Indonesia.
- Jogjakarta, Sultan of, 352
- Johnson, Charles E., 89
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Jones, Howard P.:
- Jones, John Wesley, 250–253, 277–280, 514–515
- Jordan, 103
- Judd, Walter H., 50
- Jungschlaeger, Leon N., 174, 243–245, 248, 250–251, 253, 255–256, 278
- Kalb, Bernard, 372
- Kearney, Richard D., 720–721
- Khao Phra Wihan ruins, 862n
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 105, 844
- Khuang Aphaiwong, 913, 920, 941
- Knappen, Tippetts, Abbett, and McCarthy Engineering Company, 8
- Kocher, Eric:
- Korea, 35, 646
- Korea, Republic of, 71
- Kotelawala, Sir John, 863
- KPM. See Indonesia: Nationalization of Dutch property.
- Kuala Lumpur Technical Training Institute, 757
- Kwee Djie Ho, 305n
- Kyaw Nyein, U:
- Burma-China border disputes, 81
- Burmese corruption, 88
- Burmese economic development, 8
- Burmese elections, 36, 62
- Foreign policy, 12
- Military mission to People’s Republic of China, 25n, 27–29
- Rice barter deals with Communist countries, 21, 75
- U Nu’s visit to the Soviet Union, 28
- U.S. arms proposal, 2–3, 6–7
- U.S. economic assistance, 22, 25, 41–42, 47–48, 50–51, 63, 108–109, 117, 119–120
- U.S. rice sales in Asia, 52
- Lacson, Arsenio, 714
- Lacy, William S.B., 584
- Landon, Kenneth P., 142–143
- Langley, James M., 587n, 591–592, 606
- Laos:
- Larson, Lloyd K., 898
- Laurel, José P., Jr., 603, 708, 714–715, 724–726, 729–730
- Laurel, José P., Sr., 587n, 603, 623, 713–715
- Laurel-Langley Agreement, 587n, 590–591
- Lee, Brig. Gen. William L., 618, 651–652
- Leimena, J., 354, 379, 560
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 660–661
- Lillig, Arthur C., 871–875
- Lim Yew Hock, 781, 907
- Lloyd, Selwyn:
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 333, 511–512, 515n, 516–517, 523
- Lopez, Eugenio, 597n, 703
- Lopez, Fernando, 714
- Loren, Allan, 830–831
- Lubis, Col. Zulkifli, 168, 172, 340, 542
- Coup attempt, 329–330, 339, 369
- Luen Buasawan, 855, 868, 875–876, 879
- Luns, Joseph:
- Dulles visit to Djakarta, 243, 250
- Dutch citizens trial in Indonesia, 170–172, 186
- Indonesian abrogation of Round Table Conference Agreement, 296–298, 300
- New Guinea dispute, 198, 229, 454–455, 462–463, 510–511
- “Summit” talks with Indonesia, 570
- U.S. economic assistance to Indonesia, 520–521, 530
- U.S. esteem for, 278
- Macapagal, Diosdado, 716, 726, 732
- MacArthur, Douglas, II:
- McAuliffe, E.V., 5–6
- McCaffery, Richard S., 109
- McConaughy, Walter P., 113, 115–116, 119–120, 122–124
- Macdonald, T.L., 467–468, 470
- Macmillan, Harold, 171, 552–553, 740, 752
- Macmour, Lt. Col. A. Wahab, 342, 372, 398, 477
- McNutt, Paul V., 580n
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 418
- Maengkom, 379, 574–575
- Magill, Robert N., 854–856
- Magsaysay, Ramon:
- Malaria, 133, 138, 324
- Malaya:
- Amnesty for Communist terrorists, 740, 769–770
- China, Republic of, 803, 804
- Communism in:
- Australian position, 745, 754, 771–774
- British positron, 754–756, 761–766, 768–770, 779–780, 782–785
- Chronological summary of British-U.S. consultations, 774–778
- Emergency regulations, 735, 739
- Operations Coordinating Board reports, 742–743, 744–755, 775, 782–804
- Political parties, 741–742, 749, 763
- Press, 749, 758, 787
- Propaganda program, 759, 763, 782–799
- Schools and educational institutions, 741–742, 749, 757–758, 763, 786, 788
- Trade unions and labor, 741–742, 749, 756–757, 763, 792–793
- U.S. interagency working group, 756–759
- U.S. position, 735–737, 744–754
- Communist subversion, 741–742
- Communist terrorist forces, 817
- Elections, 739–741, 800
- Emergency regulations, 735, 739, 800
- Federal Legislative Council, 740
- Independence and self-government, 737, 746, 761–762, 783–784, 800, 805
- Political parties:
- Political situation, 760–761
- Racial friction between Chinese and Malays, 747, 760, 783
- Rahman government, 759, 774
- Rubber, 272, 747, 803, 890
- Tin, 747
- University of Malaya, 745, 753, 757, 763, 793
- U.S. economic assistance, 753, 774, 798
- USIS program, 745, 753–754, 800–802
- Malayan Chinese Association, 740, 793
- Malayan Indian Congress, 740, 793
- Malayan Races Liberation Army, 846
- Malayan Trade Union Council, 749
- Manahan, 726–728
- Manglapus, Raul, 719–720
- Manila Pact. See Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty.
- Mao Tse-tung, 319, 327, 360, 367, 417, 423
- Marshall, David, 769, 772, 779, 781
- Martin, James V., Jr., 781
- Masjumi. See under Indonesia: Political parties.
- Matthews, H. Freeman:
- Maung Maung, Col., 84–85
- Mein, John Gordon, 225–226, 332–334, 381–385, 436, 466–475, 480–482, 503–508, 514–515, 596–600, 516n, 537, 550, 556–558, 720, 732
- Mendenhall, Joseph A., 840n, 943–944
- Menon, V.K. Krishna, 212
- Menzies, Robert Gordon, 143–144, 162, 314, 547, 573
- Merchant, Livingston T.:
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 47, 51–52
- Mo Myit, 34, 36, 109
- Moekarto Notowidigdo, 158, 219, 225–226, 235, 269, 275
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 105
- Moluccas. See under Indonesia.
- Mononutu, Arnold, 309, 315, 398
- Moscotti, Albert D., 855n
- Mossadeq, Mohammad, 176
- Moyer, Raymond T., 812, 898
- Munro, Sir Leslie Knox, 515, 518
- Murphy, Robert D., 11, 190–193, 228–229, 235, 277–280, 311–313, 323–324, 328
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951, 21–27, 44–46, 48, 61–66, 74–77, 197, 566, 583, 589
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program. See under Thailand: U.S. military assistance.
- Mutual Security Act of 1954:
- Mutual Security Act of 1955:
- Mutual Security Act of 1956, Sec. 401, Indonesia, 396–397
- Mutual Security Act of 1957, Development Loan Fund, 394
- Nahdatul Ulama. SeeNU under Indonesia: Political parties.
- Nash, Frank C., 709
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 423, 503
- Nasution, Maj. Gen. Abdul Haris:
- Nathan (Robert) Associates, 8, 18, 30–31, 109
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 453
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Reconstruction Conference, 512, 514
- National Security Council, 80
- Actions:
- Ad Hoc Interdepartmental Committee on Indonesia, 402, 411–412, 436–440, 442, 445–452
- Documents:
- NSC171/1, 157, 159
- NSC5405, 735, 744n, 858–860, 866
- NSC5413/1, 709, 722–723
- NSC5417/3, 153, 156–157, 159, 162
- NSC5429/5, 159, 437, 450–453, 858–860
- NSC5503, 744n
- NSC5506, 157
- NSC5518, 153–157, 159–162, 167, 194–195, 219, 286n, 329, 377, 400–402, 436–440, 445–453
- NSC5602, 914
- NSC5612, 80, 83–84
- NSC5612/1, 84, 89, 92, 780–782, 799–804, 900, 914
- Meetings:
- January 13, 1955 (231st), 582n
- May 12, 1955 (248th), 159–162
- June 30, 1955, 15n
- October 6, 1955 (260th), 199–200
- November 16, 1955 (266th), 623
- December 22, 1955 (271st), 217–218, 223
- January 26, 1956, 229
- March 8, 1956 (279th), 858–860
- March 22, 1956, 247
- April 5, 1956, 254
- June 7, 1956 (287th), 882–887
- July 12, 1956 (290th) 657–658
- August 30, 1956 (295th), 780–781, 900
- January 3, 1957, 338–339
- February 21, 1957 (313th), 708–709
- February 28, 1957, 357–358
- March 6, 1957, 354
- March 14, 1957 (316th), 370–371
- May 2, 1957, 376–377
- May 17, 1957, 380–381
- August 1, 1957 (333d), 400–402
- September 23, 1957 (337th), 450–453, 934–935
- October 2, 1957 (338th), 727–728
- November 22, 1957, 511
- December 5, 1957, 526
- December 12, 1957, 546
- December 23, 1957, 561
- Planning Board on Indonesia, 446–449, 451–453
- Planning Board on Thailand, 860
- National Union of Plantation Workers, 749
- Natsir, Mohammad, 152, 186, 198, 203, 205, 283, 380, 384, 387, 405, 407–408
- Ne Win, Lt. Gen.:
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 18–19, 218, 241, 353, 417, 423, 648, 761, 863
- Nepal, 519
- Neri, Felino:
- Netherlands (see also Dutch subheadings under other
- Admission to SEATO, 138
- China, People’s Republic of, recognition of, 538
- Dulles trip to Djakarta, 243–247, 250–253
- Dutch citizens trial in Indonesia, 170–172, 174, 221–222, 228–229–230, 243–244, 270–273, 278–279
- Dutch-Indonesian relations, 134–135, 243–247, 265–266, 269, 277–280, 498
- Indonesian debt, 520
- Status of forces agreements, 693, 698
- Neutralism (see also under Burma and Thailand), 888
- New Guinea dispute, 134–135, 139, 155, 189–192, 241, 259, 267, 269, 304–305, 358–359, 485–488, 503–508, 536
- Bandung Conference communiqué, 150
- Australian position, 162–167, 185, 313–314, 366–367, 431–432, 440, 457–460, 463, 469, 486, 502, 506
- Geneva negotiations, 225–226, 229–232
- Netherlands-Australian joint statement, 490–493, 506, 510, 520
- Netherlands position, 319–321, 419, 426–428, 453–455, 457–460, 462–463, 469–471, 502, 504–505, 510–511
- Soviet position, 405, 501, 505
- U.N. efforts, 177–178, 182–184, 186–189, 192–194, 197–198, 208–210, 212, 248, 332–333, 469, 511–512, 514–518, 523–524
- U.N. trusteeship, 457–460, 463–465, 543n, 564
- U.S. position, 130–131, 144–148, 155, 158–159, 166–167, 179–181, 184–185, 209–210, 222–223, 232, 248, 271, 314, 321, 373, 419, 440–441, 447–448, 453–457, 460–466, 469–471, 480–482, 493, 495–496, 501–503, 509, 517, 521–522, 534, 557, 573–574
- U.S. position on U.N. resolution, 418, 426–429, 451, 453, 455, 457, 505, 509
- New Zealand, 469
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 644, 758, 931
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- Nolting, Frederick E., 602, 604
- Noor, Pangeran, 374
- North Africa, U.S. policy toward, 249
- North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting (Paris, 1956), 265–266, 575
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 246–247, 427–428, 473, 536, 538–539, 541–543, 552–553, 563–564, 752, 843, 897
- North Borneo. See Indonesia: Borneo.
- Nu, U, 12
- Burmese economic development plan, 108–109
- Burmese elections, 28–29, 36
- Communism in Burma, 3–4, 59
- Eisenhower-Zhukov meeting proposal, 104n
- Friendship with Chou En-lai, 11, 17–19, 106
- Letter to Eisenhower, 64–69, 72–73, 76–78, 81
- Military Mission to People’s Republic of China, 25n
- Resignation as Prime Minister, 66, 68
- Soviet military assistance to Burma, 99
- U.S. economic assistance, 17, 63–66, 72, 93, 98–99, 114, 118
- U.S. rice policy, 16
- U.S. technical assistance, 31–32
- Visit to China, 98n
- Visit to Soviet Union, 20, 27
- Visit to U.S., 1–2, 4, 13–14
- Nuclear reactor centers in Asia, 643, 646, 844
- Nufer, Albert F.:
- Oatis, William N., 256
- Ohn, U, 117
- Okinawa, 679
- Olongapo controversy. See under Philippines: U.S. military bases negotiations
- Operations Coordinating Board:
- Burma:
- Indonesia:
- Malaya and Singapore:
- Philippines:
- Thailand:
- Pakistan:
- Panama Canal Zone, 679
- Paredes, Quentin, 716
- Parsons, Howard, 311
- Peaslee, Amos J., 164
- Pelaez, Emmanuel, 650, 664, 671–672, 672, 692, 695, 697, 708, 720
- People’s Republic of China. See China, People’s Republic of.
- Petroleum, 153, 178–179
- Petsarath, Prince, 907
- Peurifoy, John E.:
- Phao Sriyanon, Gen.:
- Phibun Songkhram. See Pibulsonggram, Field Marshal P.
- Philippine Central Bank, 630–634, 725
- Philippine National Economic Council, 631
- Philippine Republic Act No. 1194, 591
- Philippine Trade Act:
- Philippines:
- Burma, relationship with, 101, 144
- Clark Air Force Base, 580n, 618–619, 625, 654, 667, 686–688
- Communism in, 601–602
- Community Development Program Commission, 601
- Elections, 600, 614, 623, 695, 697, 714–716, 719, 726–730
- Export-Import bank loan, 630–634, 723–724
- Financial claims against U.S., 640–641, 646, 718
- Fort McKinley, 584, 655
- Independence Celebration for Tenth Anniversary, 648–649, 652
- Mutual defense agreements, 670, 705–706, 711–712
- Newsweek story, 729–730
- Nuclear reactor center, 643, 646
- Political parties:
- Political situation, 713–714, 725–726
- Rural development, 601, 603–604, 613–615, 641, 646
- Sangley Point Naval Air Station, 618–619, 625, 654, 660, 686–688
- Singapore situation, 764
- Subie Bay Naval Reservation, 618–619, 625, 654, 668, 686–688, 717
- Sugar trade agreements, 597, 624–625, 632
- Tobacco industry, 590–591, 624, 632
- Trade Agreement with the U.S.:
- Treaty-Trader legislation, 597–598
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 645–647, 677–678, 709, 722–723
- U.S. economic assistance, 601, 613–615, 640–642, 645, 728–729
- U.S. military assistance, 588
- U.S. military bases negotiations, 588, 592–595, 625–629, 632,
- Bendetsen Mission, 77–712, 658–661, 665, 669–677, 681–685, 688–708, 717–719, 731
- Criminal jurisdiction, 617, 620–622, 682–685, 691n, 692–698, 701–702, 705, 708, 711, 717–718, 726, 733–734
- Customs problem, 688
- Duration of agreement, 689, 706, 712
- Flag protocols, 652–654, 665–667, 678–679, 693, 705
- Nixon-Magsaysay statement, 655–656, 659–660, 662, 665, 674, 679, 699–700, 703
- Olongapo controversy, 580n, 606–613, 615–623, 626, 677, 705, 717–718, 720–721
- Public relations campaign, 582, 595–597, 618–619, 661
- Timing of, 580–582, 639, 704, 731
- Title claims and Philippine sovereignty issue, 579–580, 582–586, 626–627, 636–639, 647–650, 653–658, 660–661, 665–667, 669, 677, 691, 694, 699–700
- Tolentino Committee report, 661–662, 668, 680, 682
- U.S. military training, 224
- U.S. P.L. 480 program (tobacco), 624
- U.S. tobacco industry, 590–591
- Phillips, Robert M., 23
- Phin Chunahawan, Field Marshal, 875–880
- Phleger, Herman, 582–584, 638–639, 658–659
- Pibulsonggram, Field Marshal
- Bandung Conference, 821–823
- Exiled in Cambodia, 932–933
- Thailand:
- Burma, relations with, 43
- Economic policy, 811–812, 814–815
- Laos, relations with, 904, 909
- Phao-Phin contacts, 879, 911, 929–930
- Political situation, 850, 918–921
- Pridi’s return to, 911–912
- Trade relations with People’s Republic of China, 896–898
- United States, relations with, 821–822
- U.S. economic assistance, 810–811, 895–896, 898–900, 922
- Visit to U.S., 807–809
- Pineau, Christian, 297
- Poland:
- President’s Emergency Fund, Philippines, 613, 641, 646
- Pridi Phanamyong, 821, 847–848, 854, 877, 910–912, 917n, 918, 920, 928–929
- Pridi Phanamyong, Madame, 920
- Pringgodigdo, A.K., 327, 343, 349
- Prochnow Committee, 859–860, 886–887
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 634, 869n
- Purnell, Lewis M., 46, 106–108
- Puyat, Gil, 636n, 714
- Quarles, Donald A., 496–497, 567, 732, 887
- Quezon, Manuel L., 605
- Quirino, Elpidio, 603, 605, 619, 716
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W.:
- Raschid, U:
- Recto, Claro M.:
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 720–721
- Rendel, Sir George, 751n
- Rice sales in Asia (U.S. P.L. 480 program) (see also under individual countries), 4–6, 8–10, 16, 52–53, 207, 823–825, 856–858, 868–875, 878, 901, 907
- Richards, James P., 114, 116, 120, 536–537, 723, 800, 805, 931
- Ringwalt, Arthur R., 738–739, 768–769
- Robbins, Capt. B.A., 600
- Robert Nathan Associates. See Nathan (Robert) Associates.
- Robertson, A. Willis, 590n
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 70n, 651–652, 667n, 678, 685, 689, 881–882, 882–884, 887
- Robertson, Walter S.:
- Allison resignation, 456, 508–509
- Bandung Conference, 224
- Burma:
- Indonesia:
- Communist influence, 402–403, 411–412
- Dutch citizens trial, 171
- NSC Ad Hoc Committee report, 445–448
- Political situation, 194–195, 534–537
- Sukarno assassination attempt, 524
- Sukarno visit to U.S., 269
- Sumatra revolution, 367, 468
- Taipei riots, 507
- U.S. economic assistance, 286–287
- U.S. military assistance, 496–497
- U.S. P.L. 480 program, 206–208
- U.S. technical assistance, 133–134, 199, 312, 323–324
- Japan, reparations agreements, 272, 332–333
- Malaya and Singapore, Communist penetration, 737, 754–756, 766
- New Guinea dispute, 147, 164, 190–194, 215n, 222–223, 225, 332, 455, 464–465, 480–482, 490, 500, 509, 514–515
- Philippines:
- Elections, 600, 611
- Export-Import Bank loan, 630–633
- Flag protocols, 665–667, 678
- IMF survey mission, 728–729
- Magsaysay and U.S., 644
- Magsaysay visit to U.S., 635–636
- Olongapo controversy, 609, 611–613, 620–623
- Public relations, 610
- Trade agreements, 598–599, 624–625
- U.S. economic assistance, 614–615
- U.S. military base negotiations, 580–584, 586, 611, 658–659, 665–667, 688–689, 691–692, 700, 708, 720–721
- Rice sales in Asia, 871–875
- Thailand:
- Roem, Mohammad, 149, 260, 262–263, 405, 407, 417, 525–526
- Romulo, Gen. Carlos P.:
- Round Table Conference Agreement of 1949 (see also Union Statute), 163, 186–187, 192–193, 215, 222, 230, 262–263, 265–266, 307, 506
- Roxas, Manuel A., 580n, 670, 680, 716
- Rubber exports:
- Rumania:
- Sa-ing Managkun, 855, 875–876, 879
- Sabido, Pedro, 724–725
- Saipradt, Kulap, 855
- Saleh, Chairul, 369, 374
- Salem, Gamal, 178
- Samut Surakkha, 856
- Sanit Thanachan, 856
- Santamaria, Enrique, 651n, 670
- Sao Khun Khio, 117
- Sarasin, Pote, 807, 831–832, 835, 856–858, 867, 912, 919, 934, 936–937, 940
- Sarit Thanarat, Gen., 827n, 841, 850, 918–921, 926–927, 932–934, 937
- Sarmidi Mangunsarkoro, 344
- Sartono, 560
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C.:
- Saudi Arabia:
- Sa-ing ManagkunSaund, D.S., 501
- Savang Vathana, Crown Prince of Laos, 905
- Schepp, Col. D.G., 833–837
- Scott, Sir Robert, 738, 781
- Sebald, William J.:
- Seri Thai, 855–856
- Serrano, Felixberto, 723, 730–732
- Service, Richard M., 528
- Sessions, Edson O., 811, 831–832
- Siddik Djojosukarto, 128, 149
- Sihanouk Norodom, Prince, 833, 862, 931
- Simatupang, Maj. Gen. T.B., 337
- Simbolon, Col., 334–342, 354, 369, 372, 384, 467
- Singapore:
- Chinese community, 765
- Chinese middle schools, 749, 763
- Communism in:
- Australian position, 745, 754, 771–774
- British position, 754–756, 761–766, 768–770, 779–780, 782–785
- Chronological summary of British-U.S. consultations, 774–778
- Emergency regulations, 735, 739
- Operations Coordinating Board reports, 742–743, 744–755, 775, 782–804
- Political parties, 741–742, 749, 763
- Press, 749, 758, 787
- Propaganda program, 759, 763, 782–799
- Schools and educational institutions, 741–742, 749, 757–758, 763, 786, 788
- Trade unions and labor, 741–742, 749, 756–757, 763, 792–793
- U.S. interagency working group, 756–759
- U.S. position, 735–737, 744–754
- Constitution revocation, 747, 750–751, 765, 767, 770–771
- ICFTU, 753, 756, 792, 802
- Independence and self-government, 746, 761, 769, 779–780, 784
- Labour Front, 747, 760, 767
- Marshall government, 746–747, 759–761, 767, 769
- People’s Action Party, 746–747, 749, 767
- Political situation, 764–766, 770–771, 776, 781
- STUC, 753
- U.S. economic assistance, 753, 774
- Singapore Polytechnic, 753, 757
- Singapore Trades Union Congress, 749, 756
- Sjafruddin, Dr. Prawiranegara, 206–207, 556
- Sjahrir, Soetan, 125, 344, 384
- Smedberg, Adm. William R., III, 596, 608
- Smith, Horace H., 699, 707–709, 715
- Smith, Rufus Z., 741–743, 754–756, 761–764, 768–771, 774–780
- SOBSI. See under Indonesia: Political parties.
- Soe Tin, 109–110
- Son Ngoc Thanh, 833
- South Moluccas. See Indonesia: Moluccas.
- South Vietnam, 838
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 581, 586n, 589, 740, 784, 809, 827, 838–839, 841, 851, 860, 881
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 56–57, 69, 83, 90, 92, 101, 109, 150, 431, 440, 826, 893, 926
- Souvanna Phouma, 905
- Soviet Union:
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 171
- Spender, Sir Percy, 183, 185, 190–193, 313–314, 431–432, 467–471, 480–482, 533–534, 547, 572
- Spinks, Charles Nelson, 365–366
- Sponsler, William A., III, 292
- Sprague, Adm. Thomas L., 649–650, 658
- Spruance, Raymond A.:
- Srisdi, Gen. Dhanarajata. SeeSarit Thanarat.
- Staf, Cornelis, 543
- Standard-Vacuum Oil Company, 178
- Stassen, Harold E., 126, 160–161, 709
- Thailand:
- Steeves, John M., 525–526
- Stikker, D.U., 296
- Stoneman, William, 840n
- Streibert, Theodore C., 610, 743
- Stuart, R. Douglas, 654
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 371, 484, 533, 548, 567–569
- Subandrio:
- Indonesia:
- Cabinet and political parties, 390–391
- Communist influence, 423, 468, 471–475, 519
- Corruption in government, 389
- Foreign policy, 375
- Political situation, 543–546, 550–552, 555, 563–565, 569
- Shipping, 548–550
- Soviet economic assistance, 314–315, 347, 575
- Sumatra revolution, 339–342, 378
- U.S. economic assistance, 281, 314, 375, 393–394
- U.S. military assistance, 348–349, 365–366, 388, 575
- U.S. representation, 343
- New Guinea dispute, 461, 483, 486, 488, 503–508, 523
- Sukarno visit to U.S., 282
- Sukarno’s Advisory Council concept, 343–344, 359n, 361
- Sukarno’s Independence Day speech, 416–418
- Indonesia:
- Subardjo, Achma (see also Cochran-Subardjo agreement), 130, 276
- Suez Canal, 288, 294–297, 301n, 304–305, 307–308, 333, 504, 904
- Sugar Act of 1948, 597
- Sujono Surjotjondro, 230
- Sukarno (see
- Advisory Council, 341, 343–346, 351–353, 354n, 355, 358–361, 363–364
- Ali Cabinet and, 237
- as artist, 356–357, 360
- Assassination attempt, 524–527, 529, 544, 565
- China, People’s Republic of-Indonesian relations, 150–151
- Communist influence in Indonesia, 410–412, 421–422, 430–431, 433–434, 438, 440, 442–443, 447–448, 466–468, 519
- Family of, 349–350
- “Guided” democracy concept, 339, 380, 396, 412–414, 417, 422–423, 429–430, 466, 472
- Hanifah friendship, 168
- Health of, 560–561, 565
- National Council concept, 395–398, 423
- New Guinea dispute, 163, 179, 209–210, 222, 232, 422, 512–513, 516
- Order of Lenin accepted by, 307–308
- Petroleum development, 178–179
- Political parties, dissolution proposal, 325–328, 340
- Political situation in Indonesia, 127–128, 131, 136–137, 148–150, 172–173, 203–204, 217–218, 229, 232–234, 421–424
- Round Table Conference Agreement, 263
- Speeches:
- Support for, 408, 517, 557n
- United Press story, 130
- U.S. ambassadorial appointments to Indonesia, 342–343
- U.S. military assistance, 476
- Utojo appointment, 172
- Visits:
- Asian “rest” trip, 574
- China, People’s Republic of, 310, 312, 316, 322
- Egypt, 168, 210
- Latin America, 431
- Pilgrimage to Mecca, 203
- Saudi Arabia, 178–179, 210
- Soviet Union, 301, 306n, 307, 312, 316, 322
- U.S. informal visit, 494, 511–512
- U.S. State visit, 210–214, 223–224, 236, 239, 242–243, 245–246, 248, 251–252, 255–259, 261, 265, 267–269, 273–275, 282–283, 287, 317–319, 504
- Sukarno-Hatta partnership, 378, 384, 389–390, 399, 415–416, 447, 466, 477, 489–490, 494–495, 516, 544–545, 560, 564–565
- Sukiman Wirjosandjojo, 203, 283, 304n, 317
- Sulawesi. See under Indonesia.
- Sullivan, Charles A., 736
- Sumatra. See under Indonesia.
- Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, 181, 327
- Sumual, Lt. Col. Ventje, 362, 377–379, 395, 398, 403, 467, 521
- Sumulong, Lorenzo, 715
- Sun Yat-sen, Madame, 284, 417
- Sunario, 125, 134, 139, 152, 164, 273
- Suryadarma, 213, 289, 373
- Sutowo, Col. Ibn, 559
- Suwito, Gen., 530–532, 538, 542
- Switzer, Vice Adm. Wendell G., 651
- Syria, 35, 103
- Taipei riots, 507
- Taiwan:
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 69n, 630
- Thai Autonomous Area (China), 817, 821–822, 847
- Thai-Meo Autonomous Zone (North Vietnam), 847
- Thai Sugar Corporation, 855
- Thailand:
- “Airlink” exercise, 921
- Atomic Energy Agreement, 864–865
- Burma border arms traffic, 40n, 43
- Cambodia, relations with, 831–833, 861–862, 931
- Communism in:
- Corruption in government, 811
- Coup d’état, 932
- Economic policy, 811–815
- Elections, 913, 928, 940, 946
- Exchange programs, 849, 916–917, 919
- Laos, relations with, 831–833, 843–844, 894, 897, 909
- Min Yuen, 847
- National Day, 822
- Neutralism, 841–842, 850–852, 865, 881, 891, 916, 940
- “Operation Teamwork”, 904, 908
- Overseas Vietnamese Mutual Assistance Association, 846
- Political parties, 913, 920
- Political situation, 925–926, 928–930
- Rice exports, 5, 32, 52n, 199, 207, 216–217, 830, 857–858, 868–875, 878, 889–890, 895, 901
- Rubber, 830, 878, 889, 892, 895
- SEATO allies, 56–57, 69, 90, 893, 896–897, 899, 912, 916–917, 921, 933–934, 938, 942, 945
- Security and police forces, 118, 816–820, 829, 845–853
- Singapore situation, 764
- Thai National Police:
- Tin, 830, 889, 892, 895
- Trade embargo, 889–895, 919n
- Trade with People’s Republic of China, 841, 864, 877–879, 889–895
- U.S. economic assistance, 810–811, 828–831, 848–853, 888–889, 895–896, 898–900, 902–904, 907
- U.S. military assistance, 816–820, 849, 853–854, 900, 921–922, 927, 938–940, 943–946
- USIA program, 849
- USIS program, 817, 819–820
- Thajeb, Ismael M., 275
- Thakin Soe, 35
- Thakin Tha Kin, 7
- Thakin Than Tun, 35
- Than Hla, U, 106–108
- Than Pe, 110
- Thanom Kittikachorn, 946
- Thant, U, 109
- Thelen, Col. Edward F., 97
- Thep Chotinuchit, 875–876
- Thomas, Charles S., 627
- Timor. See under Indonesia.
- Tin, 153–154
- Titanium, 53n
- Tito, Josip Broz, 319, 360, 404
- “Tjikini Affair.” SeeSukarno: Assassination attempt.
- Tobacco, 23, 26, 124, 217, 590–591, 624
- Tolentino, Arturo M., 661–662
- Torbert, H.G., Jr., 453–455
- Tun Shein, U, 40n
- Tun Thong, U, 52
- Turkey, 71, 859, 883, 885–886
- Twenty Years (Anak Agung), 209, 229n
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 370, 710–713, 883
- Tydings-McDuffie Act, 592
- Tyler, William R., 265–266, 296–298
- Tyson, Leonard S., 206n, 728–729, 871–875, 893–895
- Underhill, Francis T., 230, 234, 332
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- Union Statute (see also Round Table Conference Agreement), 231, 234–235
- United Kingdom:
- United Malays’ National Organization, 740
- United Nations:
- Burma-China border disputes, 81
- China, People’s Republic of, admission, 62, 101, 880, 916n, 918
- Cyprus question, 177
- Embargo list, 858, 887
- Indonesian abrogation of Round Table Conference Agreements, 308
- Indonesian trial of Dutch citizens, 171
- Korea, 896
- Laos membership, 843
- Malayan membership application, 798, 800–801
- New Guinea dispute, 145–146, 158, 164, 166, 177–178, 180, 182–184, 186–189, 192–194, 197–198, 208–210, 212, 248, 255, 313–314, 319–321, 332–333, 358–359, 410–411, 419–420, 451, 453–457, 469, 483, 488, 514–515, 518, 523
- Resolutions:
- Soviet aggression in Hungary, 328
- Thailand, 807, 889
- United Nations Commission for Indonesia, 262n, 307
- United States Information Agency:
- United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967, 84
- Usher, Richard E., 50–51, 278
- Uthai Srichan, 856
- Utojo, Maj. Gen. Bambang, 172–173, 175, 181
- Utoyo Ramelan, 196, 208–209, 257–258
- Van der Beugel, 510–511
- van Oldenborgh, 543n
- van Roijen, J.H., 134–135, 227–232, 237, 243–248, 255–256, 262n, 277–280, 319–321, 331–332, 455, 487, 528, 540, 542
- van Tuyll, Baron, 255–256, 510
- van Voorst, Baron, 184–185, 188–189
- Vargas, Jesus, 731
- Viet Minh, 817–819, 833, 846, 892, 894, 907
- Vietnam (see also Thai-Meo Autonomous Zone), 71, 101, 247, 579, 736, 931
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 37, 845, 847
- Vietnam, Republic of, 838
- Visetbhakdi, Col. Phansak, 855
- Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment E., 376, 380
- Waddell, Harold N., 5–6, 690
- Wainhouse, David W., 192
- Walinsky, Louis J., 30, 109, 112
- Walker, George T., 292
- Walker, William, 708, 727
- Walmsley, Walter N., 431–432, 505, 508–509, 514–515, 516n
- Wan Waithayakon, Prince:
- Waugh, Samuel C., 6, 634
- Weaver, George, 763
- West, George L., 286
- West Irian dispute. See Netherlands; New Guinea dispute.
- West Irian Liberation Committee/Fund, 513, 529, 531
- West New Guinea dispute. See New Guinea dispute.
- Wheat sales in Asia, 9, 23, 26, 124, 217
- White, Lincoln, 509–510
- Wilcox, Francis O., 464–465, 487
- Wilopo, 202, 354
- Wilson, Charles E., 82
- Wilson, J.K., Jr., 833–837
- Wilson, James M., Jr., 585–587
- Win, U:
- Wisner, Frank G., 735–736
- Worakan Bancha, 841
- Wright, Thomas K., 768–769
- Yamin, Mohammed, 164
- Young, Kenneth T.:
- Young, Milton R., 485
- Young, Philip, 419–420, 491, 510–511, 542–543, 557n
- Yugoslavia:
- Yulo, Jose, 716, 726, 728
- Yuthaworn, Chuan, 855
- Zablocki, Clement J., 209
- Zairin Zain, 188
- Zhukov, Marshal Georgiy K.: