312. Telegram From the Chief of Naval Operations (Burke) to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Stump)1
080039Z. Indonesian situation may become critical. Sail under command of flag officer not COM7thFLT one cruiser one destroyer division all U.S. amphibious forces available Philippine area with embarked Marines plus necessary logistic forces.
Keep out of sight of land if at all practical. Forces to be prepared any contingency including evacuation U.S. personnel and landing Marines to protect U.S. lives and property in Indonesia especially Java and Sumatra.
Make movements as inconspicuous as possible. Do all possible to avoid comment by shore based personnel and news media. If queried force on training exercise in South China Sea.
Sail force and detachments cruiser and desdiv proceed at 20 kts others maximum sustained speed. Do not put into any port.
Be prepared sail Kearsarge and one desdiv for additional support if ordered.
Be prepared also possible action off Taiwan. Report when each detachment sails. Make movement reports for exercise to South China Sea.
Have Task Force Commander report when each detachment sails composition of force and at least daily thereafter.
- Source:JCS Files, CCS 092 Asia (6–25–48)(2). Top Secret; Operational Immediate. Repeated to CINCPACFLT, COMSEVENTHFLT, COMDT MARCORPS, COMSIXTHFLT, CINCNELM, and CINCLANTFLT.↩