263. Telegram From the Department of State to the Legation in Laos1

208. Vientiane 252 repeated Saigon 332 Paris 51 Phnom Penh Unnumbered2 and Vientiane 256 repeated Saigon 338 Paris 54 Phnom Penh Unnumbered.3

Department seriously concerned Pathet Lao attacks two northern provinces described reference telegrams. Request any additional information available, particularly military aspects. Hope Lao Government will really try to counter this Communist attempt prevent reestablishment Laotian Government authority in area. Can Lao Treasury deficit resulting from extraordinary expenses incurred connection these outbreaks be forecast and are French prepared increase financial assistance? Await your specific recommendations for support Lao Government.
View Laos’ position as frontier state adjacent Communist areas and its consequent importance to strategic defense all Southeast Asia, perhaps problem preservation Laotian territorial integrity might be considered jointly at high level by US, UK, France, and perhaps Thailand either in Vientiane or here. Request your views and clarification last paragraph your 256. Appreciate also information on French policy and action with respect Pathet Lao incursions.4 Department discussed Lao situation with representatives UK and French Embassies January 17.
We expressed to Laotian Minister January 17 our concern over Pathet Lao attacks. He was given gist your 256 but was otherwise uninformed. Ourot thought informal exchange views on Laos among three Associated States and Thai mission chiefs Washington and Robertson in near future would be excellent idea.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.00/1–1555. Secret. Drafted by Young and Byrne; cleared by BOA (in substance) and WE; approved by Robertson. Repeated to Paris, Saigon, Phnom Penh, London, and Bangkok.
  2. In this telegram, January 14, the Legation reported that it had been informed by Lao and French officials that two posts of the Lao National Army were under attack on January 13. The posts were at Houeithao and Nong Khang, 20 kilometers northeast of the town of Sam Neua. (Ibid., 751G.00/1–1455)
  3. In this telegram, January 15, the Legation reported further information it had received from the Lao Defense Minister on the Pathet Lao attacks in Sam Neua province. In the last paragraph of the telegram, the Legation commented that if the Pathet Lao attacks continued and ICC action proved insufficient, it might be “necessary to appeal to higher authorities very soon.” (Ibid., 751G.00/1–1555)
  4. See Document 266.