400. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France1

Topol 723. You should convey following information to Spaak, stressing matter obviously one requiring exceptional secrecy. You should not take initiative in proposing private session of NAC but you should leave it to Spaak to decide whether he considers matter warrants such special restricted meeting for purpose of imparting information to Perm Reps.

US takes very serious view situation in Middle East arising out of developments in Syria. We judge that Syria has become or is about to become base for military and subversive activities in ME designed to destroy independence of those countries and to subject them to Soviet Communist domination. We understand that this same view is taken by Governments of all five nations bordering on Syria. Latter are deeply concerned over threat to their security represented by impetuous pro-Soviet Syrian regime. Hostile and provocative attitude toward its neighbors adopted by Syrian Government, together with close connection of latter with Government of USSR, reinforces their fear. Already subversive agents carrying explosives have been infiltrated into the Lebanese territory from Syria.

This situation seems to carry a special threat to Turkey against which Turkey has taken certain defensive military precautions. The Soviet Union seems however to treat this as a threat against itself and has itself publicly threatened Turkey suggesting that it will mass troops on the Turkish border.

Foreign Minister Gromyko’s statement of September 10 indicates a reversion to the old measures of attempting to terrorize nations of free world and break down their will to defend their independence [Page 707] and sovereignty. Reinstitution of this policy takes on new meaning when one considers that impetuous and unstable Khrushchev is now in control of Soviet Government, there having been removed from authority individuals who, while pursuing same Soviet objectives as Khrushchev, were cool and calculating and fully aware of risks involved.

US has informed Turkey that in the event the latter is attacked by Sino-Soviet bloc US will come to its assistance with armed force. In addition US has decided that in event of need US would immediately reactivate MEEOC to meet effects of any interruption of flow of oil to Free World markets which might result from closure of trans-Syrian pipelines or Suez Canal.

US will continue to deploy Sixth Fleet in eastern Mediterranean.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 782.54/9–1757. Top Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Rockwell on September 12. Revised by Dulles and Elbrick on September 13, and approved by Dulles, evidently prior to his departure for New York on September 16.

    During a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on September 12, it was agreed that a need existed for the Council to obtain more information and study the situation developing in Syria and the Middle East. (Polto 569 from Paris, September 12; ibid., 780.00/9–1257) Subsequent to that meeting on September 13, the Department of State informed the Embassy in Ankara of its belief that NAC permanent representatives should receive more information concerning U.S. attitude toward the problem. In the same telegram, the Department transmitted a verbatim text of the instructions to Perkins printed here and instructed the Embassy to discuss the matter with the Turkish Government and inquire whether they had any objections. (Telegram 806, September 13; ibid., S/S Files: Lot 66 D 123) Menderes and other Turkish officials approved the proposed U.S. initiative to the Council during a meeting on September 16. (Telegram 752 from Ankara, September 16; ibid.)