369. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1

544. For Henderson from the Secretary. While objectives your mission discussed at length with you orally, your departure on such short notice precluded my reducing instructions to writing. Although following connotes no change in oral instructions, in view importance of matter, I believe it should be set forth for the record.

Turkish and Iraqi officials have expressed to us their grave concern Syrian developments and possibility that Syria is becoming full-fledged Soviet satellite. They consider developments in Syria represent severe threat their security and security other states bordering on Syria. They have set forth certain provisional ideas as to how their interests might be preserved and have asked for US views.
US shares deep concern over Syrian development and believes fear on part of Syria’s neighbors by no means unjustified. You should, therefore, discuss matter fully with Turkish officials and, if you deem it appropriate, with officials of other countries, such as Iraq and Jordan, who are now in Turkey, to obtain their estimate of situation and their suggestions for dealing with it.
In your discussions you should of course bear in mind US policy of supporting the principles of the UN and opposing unprovoked military intervention in any country. At the same time US must be fully alert to obvious dangers of situation in which Syria, under increasing Soviet influence, is receiving large amounts of military goods obviously exceeding those required for Syria’s defensive needs. We must take into account any legitimate military planning required by Syria’s neighbors to be prepared to protect themselves from any Syrian aggression. Indeed, it is the purpose of the Middle East Doctrine to assist the countries in the area to develop their economic and military strength to resist communist [Page 651] threats and to make clear the preparedness of the US to come to the assistance of any of them requesting such aid which is the victim of an attack by a country under the control of international communism.
It is understood that you will be in communication with me after your initial conversations with the Ambassador and foreign officials. Further instructions will be given as appropriate.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 110.13–HE/8–2357. Top Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Rountree and approved and signed by Dulles.