358. Daily Top Secret Summary1

Near East:

Syria’s Neighbors Express Grave Concern—Embassies Beirut, Amman, Baghdad, Ankara and Jidda all report that the respective governments have expressed grave concern over Syrian developments…. The present situation, Chamoun stated, emphasized the urgency and importance of our furnishing Lebanon with additional arms and equipment. Although the amount requested would be insufficient to enable the Lebanese Army to withstand overt aggression from Syria, it was vital for maintenance of internal security and the morale of the Lebanese Army.

King Hussein told Mallory he is sending a personal letter to King Saud suggesting that they meet to consider steps to protect their interests; this was a first step and if the Saudis were promptly forthcoming the meeting could be enlarged, possibly to a four power meeting. Hussein then requested that the US impress upon King Saud the gravity of the situation. In the meantime, Hussein is considering offering positions in Jordan’s army at their same rank to Syrian army officers who were passed over or summarily dismissed. Prime Minister Jawdat of Iraq observed to Gallman that the Syrian situation was very dangerous to the whole area but particularly so for Iraq. He was most disturbed by a report from the Iraqi Legation in Damascus that the prevailing situation was such that friends of Iraq, with whom he had hoped to work closely, were now completely powerless.

The Turkish Prime Minister2 has informed Warren that a meeting would take place shortly, at the request of the President, between the Turks and Iraqis to discuss the Syrian developments. Turkish military officers have told Warren that Turkey’s concern was not only for the Soviet threat from the north but also for the ominous stock-piling of Soviet material in Syria which produces a situation tailor-made for a two-pronged attack on Turkey by Soviet forces. Finally, King Saud has sent word to Wadsworth to the effect that he views the Syrian situation with great concern and has summoned his Counselor, Yusuf Yasin, and his Ambassadors to [Page 639] Syria, Lebanon and Jordan to report to him at once. Beirut 441 8/16 (TS); Amman 304 8/18 (S); Baghdad 228 8/17 (C); Ankara 416 8/17 (S); Jidda 180 8/17 (S)3

[Here follows the remainder of the Summary.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Daily Summaries: Lot 60 D 530. Top Secret; Eyes Only for Designated Recipient. According to the cover sheet, the Top Secret Staff Summary was “the joint work of S/S–RO, the policy information officers in various areas of the Department and the Department’s research and intelligence organization.”

    The Top Secret Summaries were routinely distributed to the Secretary of State and other principal officers of the Department of State.

  2. Menderes.
  3. The telegrams are respectively in Department of State, Central Files, 783.00/ 8–1657; 783.00/8–1857; 783.00/8–1757; Ibid., and 611.83/8–1757.