225. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

553. Jidda’s 480.2 Embassy requested bring following attention SAG in manner you deem most effective perhaps through Azzam:

US welcomes decision UK and SAG begin discussion current differences. Decision represents act high statesmanship both on part King and present UK Government. UKG however fears recently reported actions on part SAG which appear directed against British on eve of talks may give unfortunate impression in UK and create atmosphere not conducive fruitful results. UKG has special reference to anti–British interpretations placed by Radio Cairo on Yemeni–Saudi–Egyptian treaty and on SAG loan to Yemen. Earlier UK had expressed concern re reported expulsion locust mission, arms distribution on Aden border. USG discussed two latter actions with Azzam April 16.

US has also received indirectly reports Saudi troop movements southward toward Buraimi (Embtel 4793). In event these reports substantiated and become known in UK, USG anticipates further British hesitation to begin or continue talks. While US appreciates such movement may be normal defensive maneuver and may have begun before recent agreement on talks, any SAG assurances regarding these movements which can be passed on to UK might be helpful.

US continuing stress to UK (see following telegram to London4) only real solution these various problems lies in immediate opening talks.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 641.86a/4–2356. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Newsom and approved by Rountree. Repeated niact to London.
  2. Telegram 480, April 23, confirmed Saudi acceptance of the Dodds–Parker mission. The Embassy also reported that the King would accept Ambassador Parkes’ credentials before the start of the discussions. (Ibid.)
  3. Telegram 479, April 23, conveyed an unconfirmed report of a Saudi airlift of soldiers from Riyadh and Dhahran to “Shira, ‘near Buraimi’.” (Ibid., 780.022/4–2356)
  4. Not printed. (Ibid.)