361. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Brazil1

703. When queried about Szulc story (Embtel 840)2 Dept officers responded as follows for background:

Maceio and Loran stations were not new developments but additional item overall United States-Brazilian mutual defense complex under preliminary discussion by both govts for some time. Attention now directed toward them as logical next step following conclusion missiles negotiation. We assumed actual negotiations would begin some time after Brazilian Ambassador returns to Washington.

. . . . . . .

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 732.5–MSP/2–1357. Confidential. Drafted by Siracusa; cleared in substance with Sayre and James Wilson; and approved by Bernbaum.
  2. In telegram 840, February 13, the Embassy provided the background to a story which correspondent Tad Szulc had written for the February 8 edition of the New York Times regarding negotiations with Brazil for additional military facilities. “Szulc knew from Foreign Office and military contacts,” the Embassy reported, “that we were asking for Maceio and Loran facilities and states he made clear at Foreign Office he could no longer withhold this information in round-up story for his paper, especially as other press correspondents likely report it.” (Ibid.)