221. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Reinhardt) to the Department of State1

47. 1. When I saw Diem this evening, July 5, I propounded substance Department telegram 8 repeated information Paris 18.2 Prime Minister said there was no question of Government acting by decree on subject of Bao Dai, but that there was a great deal of pressure in political circles for him to take some action. A popular plebiscite or referendum seemed the best way to meet this requirement (Saigon 6041 to Department repeated Paris 1507 Phnom Penh unnumbered, Vientiane unnumbered3). He did evidence fear of intrigue by Bao Dai and elements associated with him and said that until this question was resolved it would be impossible to develop healthful political climate. In addition to considerations contained in reference telegram, I also developed thesis that there was great political advantage to him to be derived from true political campaign through country which would necessarily precede elections for representative assembly.

2. I am not entirely convinced by Diem’s reply to my presentation which consisted simply in his assertion that he was not really in a hurry but that others were pushing him very hard.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.00/7–555. Secret. Repeated to Paris, Phnom Penh, and Vientiane.
  2. Document 219.
  3. See footnote 2, ibid.