396.1 GE/7–1854: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at the Geneva Conference1


Tosec 566. At conclusion final study-group meeting2 UK showed us memorandum representing their understanding situation re membership countries as follows:

For UK Record

“It was understood that the wording of Para 8b(1)3 covered the possibility of India, Pakistan, and Ceylon becoming initial members. The US Representative said that they would not in practice interpret it to cover the inclusion of Formosa, Korea or Japan as initial members. He indicated that the US Government had no intention of opening informal consultations with Formosa, Korea or Japan in order to bring them in as initial members, but would not, however, preclude their eventual participation under the provisions of the treaty governing the accession of additional parties.”

With respect to area to be covered by pact we made following notation which we gave the British:

“The US Representative made clear to the UK Representatives that in the US view, commitments under Para 8c(3)3 did not apply to Hong Kong.”

  1. Repeated for information to London, Paris, and Saigon.
  2. No memorandum or minutes of this meeting have been found in Department of State files.
  3. Of the Joint Study Group Report dated July 17, p. 633.
  4. Of the Joint Study Group Report dated July 17, p. 633.