Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 341: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices1


Circular 26. At July 10 meeting US–UK Study Group on Southeast Asia,2 Under Secretary presented informal unofficial US working draft3 of collective security treaty. UK rep Scott made few preliminary comments and inquiries but felt that draft in general covered major considerations UK had in mind. He will refer draft to UK Govt.

Question of timing on security pact came up for some discussion. US emphasized urgency it attached to conclusion security pact. UK rep linked timing to Geneva, explaining that if Geneva resulted in some sort of settlement which would produce some stability in Indochina, at least for time being, he believed UK would, in interest of getting as large initial membership as possible, make real effort to persuade some or all “Colombo Powers” to join collective security pact, which would probably take some time. If however Geneva produced no agreement, or left threatening situation in SEA, it might be desirable proceed immediately conclude security pact comprising lesser membership.

Possibility was mentioned by US of having certain nations (probably US, UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines) make declaration of intent to conclude security pact, and actually [Page 616] establish ad hoc machinery to deal with any immediate adverse situation, if it should appear that security pact could not be brought into being quickly. UK rep favorably impressed and it was agreed consider this aspect further.4 Next meeting July 13.

  1. Sent Tosec to the U.S. Delegation at Geneva and to Bangkok, Canberra, London, Manila, Paris, and Saigon.
  2. The U.S. Minutes of this meeting, drafted by Gullion, are attached to a covering note of July 19 by Walter Trulock of the Reports and Operations Staff, Executive Secretariat; neither printed. (Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 341, “Documentary History”, tab 26)
  3. For text, see the comparative texts in SEAP D–2, Aug. 2, p. 686.
  4. In telegram 125 to Paris, July 10, 6:45 p.m., repeated Tosec to the U.S. Delegation at Geneva and to London and Saigon, the Department transmitted a very general outline of the Study Group’s work for communication to the French Government. The proposed Declaration of Intent was not mentioned. (790.5/7–1054) The Minutes cited in footnote 2 above indicate that the British Government was planning to convey similar information to the French Government, and that it was at the request of the British side of the Joint Study Group that the Declaration of Intent was not mentioned to the French authorities at this time.