Editorial Note
During deliberations by the Ad Hoc Political Committee on the item, the treatment of people of Indian origin in the Union of South Africa, the 17 powers presented a revised version of their draft resolution, which incorporated minor drafting changes. (UN document A/AC.72/L.10/Rev. 1) On October 28, 1953, the Political Committee adopted an amendment proposed by Costa Rica, which changed paragraph 5(b) of the revised draft to read: “express its regret that the South African Government: has continued to implement the Group Areas Act in spite of [formerly “in contravention of”] three previous resolutions.” The Committee then adopted, voting paragraph by paragraph, the draft resolution as amended. (UN document A/AC.72/L.11) For United States Representative Bolton’s statement before the Ad Hoc Political Committee on this item, see Department of State Bulletin, November 23, 1953, pages 728–729.