320/10–2153: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State1


Delga 144. Re: Indians in South Africa

Mrs. Bolton and working group have given thorough consideration to resolution tabled by 17 powers (A/AC.72/L.10).2

Group agreed this is not a good resolution from viewpoint of our objective to get parties resume their negotiations. Extensive criticism of South African Government and legislation particularly unhelpful.

It appears almost certain that no alternative resolution will be offered and 17-power resolution will pass regardless of US vote. It is conceivable that some of objectionable provisions such as reference to immigrants amendment bill3 might be defeated in plenary under ⅔ rule. Crux of operative part of resolution is continuation of GOC with increased authority. Although GOC most likely will not be helpful it would be difficult for us not to support its continuation.

In view of above, Mrs. Bolton and working group agree in paragraph-by-paragraph vote US should vote against entire paragraph [Page 1018] beginning with “expresses its regret”,4 against following paragraph beginning with “considers”5 and against last two paragraphs of resolution.6 We should vote yes on remaining paragraphs.7

Whether or not any of objectable paragraphs is eliminated, Mrs. Bolton and working group (with one dissent) believe US should vote for resolution as a whole.

Choice is between abstention and affirmative vote. Latter appears preferable because:

As matter of principle great power like US should not abstain on an important political matter where there is no other resolution on which we would take definite stand.
We supported Indian resolution on this subject last year. A switch from affirmative vote to abstention will be interpreted to effect that new administration is moving closer to “colonial powers” in every area. This interpretation will be strengthened by more negative attitude we shall take in apartheid case and by our vote on North African issues.

  1. Marginal notation by an unidentified source states: “Lodge cleared the telegram. Told Mrs. Bolton to do what she thinks right.”
  2. Not printed. The draft resolution was tabled in the Ad Hoc Political Committee on Oct. 16, 1953 by Afghanistan, Bolivia, Burma, Egypt, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. The Committee considered this item from Oct. 16 to 29. A text of the draft resolution is in telegram Delga 125 from New York, Oct. 16, 1953. (320/10–1653)
  3. The Immigrants Regulation Amendment Act, adopted in September 1953, restricted the ability of Indian women and children, born outside the Union of South Africa, to join their husbands and fathers in South Africa.
  4. This section of the draft resolution reads: “Expresses its regret that the South African Government: (a) Has refused to make use of the commission’s good offices or to utilize any of the alternative procedures for the settlement of the problem recommended by the four previous resolutions of the GA; and (b) Has continued to implement the group areas act in contravention of the provisions of three previous resolutions; (c) Is proceeding with further legislation contrary to the charter and the universal Declaration of Human Rights including the Immigrants Regulation Amendment Bill which seeks to prohibit the entry into South Africa of wives and families of nationals of Indian origin.”
  5. This section of the draft resolution reads: “Considers that these actions of the Union Government are not in keeping with its obligations and responsibilities under the charter of the UN.”
  6. These two paragraphs called again upon South Africa to refrain from implementing the Group Areas Act and for inclusion of this item on the provisional agenda for the Ninth Regular Session of the General Assembly.
  7. The remaining paragraphs of the draft resolution recalled, in detail, previous resolutions, earlier actions taken by the General Assembly, and the report of the Good Offices Commission; decided to continue the Good Offices Commission; and requested the Commission to report to the next session of the General Assembly. (UN document A/2473)