750G.00/6–154: Telegram

No. 199
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Aldrich) to the Department of State1
top secret

5453. Limit distribution. Pass Defense for Hensel and Lemnitzer. From Thompson. Harrison and I today gave Brosio the following informal list of the principal points proposed by the Yugoslavs for the settlement together with the full text of the proposed Preamble to the Memorandum of Understanding, the Yugoslav List of Guiding Principles for Minority Statute, the text of the non-Prosecution [Page 440] Clause and the description of the proposed new interzonal boundary: (1) readjustment of the interzonal boundary of the Free Territory Trieste; (2) termination of military government and transfer of administration; (3) arrangements for maintenance of the Free Port of Trieste and for measure local autonomy; (4) reciprocal statute for protection minorities; (5) reciprocal declaration of non-prosecution for political activities in connection with solution Free Territory Trieste problem; (6) settlement outstanding financial claims and counterclaims; and (7) measures to improve atmosphere and facilitate collaboration. We orally informed him of our proposed declaration of non-support and mentioned the Slovene Credit Institute and houses for cultural activities.

Brosio fully reserved his position, but pointed out that proposed settlement was disadvantageous to Italy territorially, would clearly in fact be final, and that in his opinion, it was doubtful whether Italy could enter into negotiations on this basis. We made clear that we had not attempted represent Italy in negotiations, but to develop Yugoslav point of view. We stressed, however, that in our opinion, Yugoslavs had been pushed to their maximum position.

  1. Repeated for information to Belgrade, Rome, and Trieste.