396.1 PA/10–1854: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Matthews) to the Department of State 1


596. I asked Secretary General Van Tuyll today concerning press report from Paris that Benelux countries are about to issue the expected voluntary statement renouncing production ABC weapons similar to Adenauer’s statement at London conference, which report was subsequently denied by Dutch Foreign Office. Van Tuyll said they are running into difficulties. The statement could not be in the same terms as that of Adenauer and latter seemed to prefer that no statement be issued by Benelux if it was not complete as his own since comparisons might hurt him in Germany. On other hand, Dutch and Belgian industry are considerably worried since production possibilities in ABC fields could have dual purpose, that is the output could be both for peaceful uses, but with possibilities for utilization in war. This [Page 1398] production Benelux would not wish to renounce and hence the complications in drafting statement.

He also reported British as being extremely optimistic over outcome of Paris meetings. While Dutch too are optimistic they believe that everything will not be buttoned up in few days this week and that further discussions on detailed implementation of agreements may be necessary thereafter.

Beyen returned to his office today much restored in health.

  1. Repeated to Paris, Brussels, London, Bonn Rome, and Luxembourg.