740.5/4–1554: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State 1


3900. Inform Bonbright immediately. Cabinet meeting adjourned this morning 11:30. Next meeting April 24. Issued following communiqué:

“Cabinet, considering necessity of parliamentary discussion on EDC,

Considering furthermore prior conditions placed on ratification,

Decides that, if the negotiations on these conditions are concluded, the government will ask the Conference of Presidents of National Assembly in its meeting of May 18 to take all action necessary so that the debate will take place immediately thereafter on British and American guarantees, the Saar Agreement, the additional protocols, and the Treaties of Bonn and Paris.

It directs the Foreign Minister to inform those meeting with the French Government in the present negotiations of the interest that exists in obtaining their reply to the French requests within a period of [Page 940] time permitting the debate on the ratification to begin on the date foreseen.”

  1. Repeated to Rome, Brussels, The Hague, Bonn, Luxembourg, and London.