CA files, lot 59 D 110, “Chinese Representation at UN, 1954”

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Key)1

  • Subject:
  • Chinese Representation in the UN
  • Participants:
  • Sir Robert Scott, British Minister
  • Mr. KeyIO
  • Mr. WainhouseIO
  • Mr. AllenEUR
  • Mr. PopperUNP

I told Sir Robert that the Secretary had asked me to talk to him about the continuation of the working arrangement between our Governments under which we had disposed of the Chinese representation issue in all UN and Specialized Agencies bodies through procedural devices which excluded the Chinese Communists without a vote on the substance of the question. I pointed out that, so far as the General Assembly itself was concerned, the decision last September had been not to consider the subject during the current year—i.e. 1954. I said we assumed that the current arrangement would continue to be applied in UN bodies meeting after January 1 such as the series of ECAFE meetings convening in January. I said we would like to have his Government’s confirmation that our understanding was correct.

Sir Robert agreed to consult the Foreign Office. He was especially interested in the question whether we are planning for a resumption of the General Assembly. I told him the Assembly had adjourned; that if there were to be any further meetings before next fall they would take the form of a special session; and that we had no present plans for calling such a session.

David McK. Key
  1. Drafted by the Acting Director of the Office of UN Political and Security Affairs (Popper).