320/8–1654: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


139. For the Secretary. Re Chinese representation. Tsiang (China) called on me at his request today. On instructions from his government he informed us of the unfortunate effect last year’s moratorium formula had had in Formosa. He again proposed that we consider meeting the issue substantively and vote it down when it is raised. I told him that while this idea appealed to me personally, nevertheless one had to be realistic and look at it from the point of view of getting the largest possible number of votes. Likewise the Assembly’s action was only part of a much larger picture and its action could well be controlling in many other areas of the UN where the balance was not so favorable to our position.

Tsiang then suggested that if we could not agree to deal with the matter substantively, we give consideration to a motion that “the ninth GA decides not to consider any proposals” re Chinese representation. This would omit both “postponement” and “current year” phrases from formula and would have much better impact in Formosa, although the use of the words “ninth GA” does indirectly bring in the time factor.

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I told Tsiang his formula appeared to have considerable merit and that I would send it at once to the Department for their consideration. I understand Murphy is seeing Scott tomorrow and I strongly recommend Department consider this wording and attempt get British and others’ agreement on it. I will telephone Secretary Dulles about this Tuesday a.m. because this is a vital matter and should be dealt with at highest level.
