357.AD/6–2650: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


541. Following is full text of report from the Korean Commission. On the ground that material in brackets involved military information, sentences in brackets were deleted from the text of the report circulated to the Security Council and made public.1 Material in brackets was shown privately to members of the SC2 and we have now urged Secretariat to issue full text on ground this indicates Commission’s opinion that North Korean forces were attackers.3

“Government of Republic of Korea states that about 04:00 hours 25 June attacks were launched in strength by North Korean forces all along the 38th parallel. Major points of attack have included Ongjin peninsula, Kaesong area and Chunchon and east coast where seaborne landings have been reported north and south of Kangnung. Another seaborne landing reported imminent under air cover in Pohang area on southeast coast. The lightest attacks have occurred along the parallel directly north of Seoul along shortest avenue of approach.

[Page 172]

“[South Korean troops apparently withdrawing to prearranged main line of resistance which runs along Imjin River 27 miles northwest of Seoul where crossing by northern forces has been reported at one point. Attack completely unexpected to both Korean Army and KMAG. Early fragmentary reports indicating complete surprise and withdrawals everywhere now being replaced by more confident statements. Situation reported being stabilized along main line of resistance.]

“Pyongyang radio allegation at 13:35 hours of South Korean invasion across parallel during night declared entirely false by President and Foreign Minister in course of conference with Commission members and PrinSec. Allegations also stated People’s Army instructed repulse invading forces by decisive counterattack and placed responsibility for consequences on South Korea. Briefing on situation by President included statement 36 tanks and armoured cars used in northern attacks at four points. Following emergency Cabinet meeting Foreign Minister issuing broadcast to people of South Korea encouraging resistance against dastardly attack. President expressed complete willingness for Commission broadcast urging cease fire and for communication to UN to inform of gravity of situation. Although North Korean declaration of war rumored at 11:00 hours over Pyongyang radio no confirmation available from any source. President not treating broadcast as official notice. US Ambassador appearing before Commission stated his expectation Republican Army would give good account of itself.

“At 17:15 hours four Yak type aircraft strafed civilian and military air fields outside Seoul destroying sole planes, firing gas tanks and attacking jeeps. Yongdungpo railroad station on outskirs also strafed. [South Korean Air Force only consists of 6 training planes.]

“Commission wishes to draw attention of SYG to serious situation developing which is assuming character of full scale war and may endanger the maintenance of international peace and security. It suggests that he consider possibility of bringing matter to notice of SC. Commission will communicate more fully considered recommendation later.”

  1. Reference is to U.N. document S/1496.
  2. See the memorandum of conversation by Mr. Noyes, June 25, p. 144.
  3. The full text was not released at this time.