357.AA/11–2250: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation on the United Nations Commission for Indonesia1


534. Usgoc 489. Neth Minister called Nov 20 presented Aide-Mémoire setting forth views his government on dissolution UNCI.2 Neth, strongly opposed to liquidating or curtailing activity UNCI at this time view of a) Comm’s role in demobilization KNIL, b) lack of agreement on NNG and assistance UNCI might still lend parties this regard, c) possible interpretation such dissolution as an acquiescence in negation by RI of right of self determination. Neth Minister asked whether there had been any crystallization of our view this matter and was informed we had not reached a decision.

Dept tentatively believes that Comm shld be dissolved and that earliest logical date wld be 27 Dec, one year fol transfer of sovereignty. Dept realizes it unlikely repatriation of ex-KNIL will have been completed this time or disposition NNG decided upon. Nonetheless we understand bilateral Neth-Indo machinery for repatriation ex-KNIL sufficient and capable of work without help of Comm. Further, view of Australian attitude, Dept doubts Indo cld agree Comm participation substance NNG dispute. Also there some reason believe Australians may even consider themselves disqualified this connection. However, at time Comm makes report it cld appropriately take note of negotiations and if need be suggest continuation of same through Union machinery or other possible means.

Dept suggests you discuss this problem informally Comm members and ascertain their views. Wld appreciate ur comments role of Comm next few weeks and method of dissolution thereof.3

  1. This telegram was repeated to The Hague for information as 627.
  2. A copy of the aide-mémoire and the Memorandum of Minister de Beus’ conversation with Durward V. Sandifer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs, and Joseph W. Scott, Officer in Charge of Swiss and Benelux Affairs, are in file 357.AA/11–2050.
  3. In telegram 699 (Gocus 926), November 27, from Djakarta, not printed, Beam reported that he and the Australian member of the UNCI “strongly believe UNCI should be dissolved at least before December 27.…” (357. AA/11–2750) During December the United States attempted to convince the Dutch, Belgians, and Australians that the UNCI should be dissolved but by the end of 1950 had not succeeded in these efforts. Documentation on this subject is in file 357.AA/11–2750.