501.BC Armaments/6–448: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


361. For Osborn. In RAC meeting on May 24 it was agreed that present policy favoring continuance of CCA activities should not be changed.

It was also agreed that CCA should vote on Item 2 and submit a Report to the Security Council prior to the next regular session of the GA with a conclusion along the following lines:

In accordance with the Security Council’s instructions the Commission will continue its discussion of the remaining items of the Plan of Work. However, the Commission feels obliged to inform the Council that the Soviet Union has been unable to agree with the majority on principles considered by the majority to be basic to the regulation of armaments. Until such agreement is obtained, it is unlikely that the Commission will be able to formulate plans for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments which will be generally acceptable.
