563 Rio de Janeiro/9–2446

Memorandum to President Truman by the Acting Secretary of State

This Government has received an invitation extended by the Government of Brazil to participate in the Second Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology to be held in Rio de Janeiro, beginning October 1, 1946.

In addition to technical studies regarding the nature, location and production of the mineral resources of the American Republics, the agenda for the subject Congress includes discussion of inter-American policy regarding mining legislation, import-export arrangements, and social and fiscal laws regarding mining. This program affects the foreign economic policy of this Government as well as technical mining engineering and geological matters. I am proposing, therefore, after consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, that a Delegation representing this Department, the Department of the Interior, and the United States Section of the Pan American Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology be sent to this Congress.

I recommend that you designate the individuals named in the list attached hereto1 as members of the United States Delegation, in capacities as indicated.2

Will Clayton
  1. Not printed.
  2. The following notation appears in the margin: “Approved. Harry Truman 9/24/46.” This approval included the designation of Paul C. Daniels, the Chargé in Brazil, as Chairman of the delegation, and the following as delegates: R. R. Sayers, Bureau of Mines, Edward Steidle, Pennsylvania State College, and W. E. Wrather, Geological Survey.