Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

General Marshall to Mr. Walter S. Robertson, at Peiping

1044. Following is paraphrase of message sent to General Clement at Tsingtao through Naval channels.

“Concerning the Shantung negotiations, I have been watching the efforts of Field Team No. 7 and of yourself. There is very little guidance from Nanking I realize that could be given you as to the type of settlement which would avoid any outbreak of hostilities.

“The current proposals now being considered by the Committee of Three indicate an agreement may be reached which would remove from the Tsinan–Tsingtao railroad line all Communist troops. At the present time the determining factor is the settlement regarding Kiangsu rather than the railroad line mentioned above. It is the insistence of the Government that the Tsinan–Tsingtao railroad line be freed, within 10 days of the signing of a formal agreement, of Communist interference. There remains a most difficult issue of the matter of local governments in the areas to be evacuated by the Communists.”

This is for your information.