817.00/8–1845: Airgram

The Ambassador in Nicaragua (Warren) to the Secretary of State

A–300. On Saturday August 11, Dr. Enoc Aguado, outstanding Independent Liberal, came to see me about several things. The most important was the present Legislative situation with respect to the standing of the Conservative Party. (Please see the Embassy’s despatch number 230 of August 18, 1945.40) Dr. Aguado stated that the President’s plan to recognize the Partido Conservador Nacionalista and the Partido Liberal Nacionalista as the two principal political parties of Nicaragua is due to his intention to monopolize the political parties in Nicaragua. Dr. Aguado contends that the Partido Conservador Nacionalista is composed of renegade Conservatives who have always been Somoza’s supporters. The real Conservative Party, Dr. Aguado affirmed, is the Partido Conservador Tradicionalista. Naturally, Dr. Aguado is a protagonist of the Partido Conservador Tradicionalista.

In discussing this matter, Dr. Aguado said that he wanted to inquire of me in confidence what might be the attitude of the United States Government if it were suggested that a technical committee of three, headed by President Dodds of Princeton, co-author of the present electoral law of Nicaragua,41 come to Nicaragua to offer technical advice in regard to the revision of the electoral law of Nicaragua and in connection with the elections to be held under the revised law. He made it clear that the position of such a Committee would be purely technical and advisory. He suggested that an outstanding individual from another country such as Cuba and another from a third country outside of Central America might be included.

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Dr. Aguado does not know, of course, of President Somoza’s promise not to carry through his election campaign. (Please see Embassy’s telegram number 414 of August 8, 1 p.m.42)

Until such time as the President’s decision becomes public, it might be well if some reply, noncommittal in tone, could be given to Dr. Aguado.43

  1. Not printed.
  2. Dr. Harold W. Dodds was engaged by contract of December 15, 1921, with the Government of Nicaragua to assist in the revision of the electoral laws of that country; see Foreign Relations, 1923, vol. ii, p. 605.
  3. Not printed; it informed the Department that President Somoza, during a courtesy call by Dr. Munro at 7 p.m., on August 6, had asked Dr. Munro to convey to Mr. Rockefeller the assurance that he (Somoza) would not go through with the reelection when the time came (817.00/8–845).
  4. Dr. Aguado’s proposal for an international commission to supervise forthcoming elections was subsequently presented by him to the Nicaraguan Chamber of Deputies. Telegram 512, September 19, from Managua, reported that the proposal was rejected by the Chamber on September 18, 1945 (817.00/9–1945).