868.00/4–1145: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh)

322. Reurtel 375, April 11. Quoted remark attributed to Secretary is erroneous. Newspaper correspondent, in Secretary’s press conference of April 9, stating that Athens government radio mentioned Leeper as one of various persons consulted by Regent in connection with recent cabinet crisis, asked whether you had also been consulted. Answer given was that Department had no information to indicate that you had been consulted. See Radio Bulletin No. 85 for April 9.

This reply was a statement of fact and not an implication that the United States Government should have been consulted or has any objection to changes in the internal government in Greece that may be effected constitutionally and in accordance with the Varkiza agreement, which provides for the continuance of a “nonpolitical” or “service” government until arrangements can be made for a plebiscite and free elections for a constituent assembly.

You should inform the Regent of Department’s attitude,63 and may, in your discretion, issue a statement embodying the foregoing views and the explanation already suggested informally by you to Mr. Georgakis. Department contemplates no statement here, as any official press release would only serve to give credence to misinterpretation suggested by Athens newspapers.

  1. The Ambassador in Greece in despatch 928, April 24, 1945, reported that he had explained to the Regent on April 20 the Department’s position in accordance with this telegram (868.00/4–2445).