868.00/2–1545: Telegram

The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

182. Mr. Churchill and Mr. Eden arrived in Athens yesterday afternoon46 and together with the Regent, the members of the Greek Government and the British diplomatic and military authorities, appeared before a large public gathering in Constitution Square. The Regent and Messrs. Churchill, Plastiras and Eden made brief addresses. Mr. Churchill expressed his pride in the role played by British troops in “saving this great and immortal city from violence and anarchy”, emphasized Britain’s determination to support Greece until she “reaches the heights of justice and peace”, and concluded with an expression of his hope for Greece’s future. The crowd received Mr. Churchill with enthusiasm, and no “incidents” appear to have taken place. Mr. Churchill left last night but according to the British Ambassador, Mr. Eden is remaining for conferences today.

  1. They were returning from, the Crimea Conference at Yalta between President Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill, and Soviet Chairman (Premier) Stalin, and their advisers, February 4–11, 1945.