893.00/3–3145: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State 52

548. Following is substance of telegrams just received from Consul at Tihwa:

Special tribunal of 18 members with Dr. Lo Chia-lun as special commissioner, despatched to Tihwa last autumn to re-try a group of Chungking officials who were arrested by former Sinkiang Chairman Sheng Shih-tsai, left by air for Chungking on March 26, having gradually effected the release of the entire arrested group.
Dr. Lo informed Ward in confidence prior to his departure that insurgents were conscripting and drilling recruits and collecting horses; that for three days they had been heavily attacking Tahoyen (40 miles west of Chingho); that they had captured an important pass to Yenchi (140 miles southwest of Tihwa); and that it was feared that within a few weeks Kashgar, Aksu and Yenshi would be subjected to well-planned attacks.
Dr. Liu Tze-yung (Embassy’s 271, February 21) who returned to Tihwa March 26 informed Ward that no progress had been made in Chungking. Ward gained the impression that Liu’s views and attitude toward Sinkiang problems received little consideration from Chungking authorities. Liu appears to share views of Lo (paragraph 1 above) that Sinkiang situation may shortly show rapid deterioration.

  1. Repeated by the Secretary of State in his telegram No. 787, April 4, 3 p.m., to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union.