893.00/3–245: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
Chungking, March 2,
1945—6 p.m.
[Received March 3—3:10 a.m.]
[Received March 3—3:10 a.m.]
351. Embassy telegraphed Consul at Tihwa on February 13 requesting telegraphic report on present status of Sinkiang revolt (ReEmbtel 271, February 21, 4 p.m.).
But no further information yet received. Latest local report is that Wu Chung-hsin will shortly be removed as chairman of Sinkiang because of certain anti-Soviet writings before his assumption of office which have only recently received publicity. Persons named as possible successors are Ho Yao-tsu, presently mayor of Chungking, and Chu Shao-liang. Paraphrased to Tihwa.