Fifth plenary meeting, February 8, 1945, 4 p.m., Livadia Palace


United States United Kingdom Soviet Union
President Roosevelt Prime Minister Churchill Marshal Stalin
Secretary Stettinius Foreign Secretary Eden Foreign Commissar Molotov
Fleet Admiral Leahy Foreign Secretary Eden Mr. Vyshinsky
Mr. Hopkins Sir Archibald Clark Kerr Mr. Maisky
Mr. Byrnes Sir Alexander Cadogan Mr. Gusev
Mr. Harriman Sir Edward Bridges Mr. Gromyko
Mr. Matthews Mr. Jebb Mr. Pavlov
Mr. Hiss Mr. Wilson
Mr. Bohlen Mr. Dixon
Major Birse

[394] Bohlen Minutes

Bohlen Collection

[395] Hiss Notes

Hiss Collection

[396] Matthews Minutes

Matthews Files

[399] United States Proposal on Poland, February 8, 1945

Hiss Collection

[400] United States Delegation Memorandum

Hiss Collection

[401] United States Delegation Memorandum

Hiss Collection

[402] The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State (Grew)

Defense Files: Telegram

  1. This note is undated but is assumed to have been passed to the President at the plenary session on February 8 in connection with the President’s reference to Welles and the reasons why certain South American states had not declared war. See ante, p. 773.