Negotiations on the continuation by the United States of the program to procure strategic materials from Peru 40

40. For previous correspondence on procuring strategic materials from Peru, see Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. vi, p. 712, and pp. 735 ff.

[1430] The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State

811.20 Defense (M) Peru/1110: Telegram

[1431] The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State

811:20 Defense (M) Peru/1116

[1432] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (White)

811.20 Defense (M) Peru/1110: Telegram

[1433] The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State

811.20 Defense (M) Peru/1124

[1434] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (White)

103.9169 Lima: Telegram

[1435] The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State

103.9169 Lima: Telegram

[1436] The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State

811.20 Def (M) Peru/7–844

[1437] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (White)

103.9169 Lima: Telegram

[1439] The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State

811.20 Defense (M) Peru/9–644

[1440] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (White)

811.20 Defense (M) Peru/9–644