Lot 60–D 224, Box 55: D.O./P.R./14
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Progress Report on Dumbarton Oaks Conversations—Fifteenth Day
Regular Meeting of the American Group
The American group held its regular 9:30 a.m. meeting to exchange views and discuss developments in the last twenty-four hours.
Meeting of the Legal Subcommittee
The American, Soviet and British representatives on the Legal Subcommittee agreed, subject to approval by their respective groups, that the statute of the international court of justice should be prepared not later than the remainder of the basic instrument of the international organization. To this end it was suggested that the Governments participating in the conference to consider the international organization should send representatives to the seat of the conference, at least two weeks in advance, for the purpose of preparing a draft of the statute for submission to the conference.
Meeting of the Joint Steering Committee
The meeting of the Joint Steering Committee scheduled at 10:30 a.m. today has been postponed until later in the day because of the continued delay in the receipt by Sir Alexander Cadogan of his final instructions. The Committee is holding itself in readiness to meet this afternoon or tonight if these instructions arrive.
Yesterday’s Late Afternoon Meeting of the Formulation Group on Organization
The Formulation Group on Organization late Tuesday afternoon prepared the following sections of the basic document:
(a) The Secretariat
The group agreed that the secretary-general should be the chief administrative officer and should be appointed by the assembly on the recommendation of the council for such terms and under such conditions as are specified in the charter; should act in that capacity in all meetings of the assembly, the council, and the economic and social council; should make an annual report to the assembly on the work of the organization; and should have the right to bring to the attention of the council any matter which in his opinion may threaten international peace and security. (The Soviet group continued to reserve their position on any reference to the economic and social council.)
[Page 772](b) Economic and Social Cooperation
The Soviet representative participated in the discussion of the section on economic and social cooperation but maintained the Soviet reservation on the merits of this entire question. The American and British representatives agreed to use substantially the entire American draft text on this subject. It was agreed, however, to reduce the size of the council from twenty-four to eighteen members, and a new concept of the functions of the economic and social council was added by empowering this council to assist the security council upon its request and by enabling the secretary-general to inform the security council on the work of the economic and social council.