Lot 60–D 224, Box 55: D.O./P.R./3
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Progress Report on Dumbarton Oaks Conversations—Third Day3
Meeting of the Subcommittee on Organization4
We presented a tentative list of topics for discussion which was acceptable to the British, but as the Soviets expressed a desire to talk from their document, that course was followed.
(a) Aims of the International Organization
The aims stated in the Soviet memorandum5 were generally acceptable, but were thought by our group and by the British to require extension, by inclusion of basic principles and objects of the Organization.
(b)Economic and Social Cooperation
I suggested that the important question of economic and social cooperation be taken up in the Joint Steering Committee.
(c) Principal Organs
We agreed as to the principal organs and that the Organization should be empowered to create necessary subordinate agencies.
(d) General Assembly
After Ambassador Gromyko clarified the Soviet view that the Assembly would discuss and the Council would decide and act, both on security and peace and on arms limitation, we were in substantial agreement. It was understood that the Council would not have to take cognizance of matters referred by the Assembly.
(e) Admission and Expulsion of States
We and the British proposed that admission of states be left to the Assembly. We and the British proposed that there be no reference [Page 718] to withdrawal or expulsion. The Soviet group will consider these views.
(f) The Council
Ambassador Gromyko said his Government desired to have the five permanent members of the Council named in the Basic Instrument and not subject to election. Both the British and the Soviet groups felt that no provision should be made for increasing the number of permanent seats. I suggested that this matter be discussed in the Joint Steering Committee.
Meeting of the Subcommittee on Security6
We discussed a tentative list of topics presented by our group. These were extended by reference to our proposals relating to security and to the British memorandum on the military aspects of security.7 Ambassador Gromyko and Sir Alexander agreed in principle to our proposals concerning (1) determination of the existence of threats to peace or breaches of peace, (2) action to be taken and obligations of member states, (3) measures for the enforcement of decisions, both those not involving the use of armed force and those requiring provision of armed forces and facilities. Both the British and the Russian groups requested that matters of detail be reserved for clarification in the drafting subcommittee.8
Mr. Stettinius noted in his Diary of this date that he introduced members of the three groups to President Roosevelt at the White House, and the President talked with them informally about five minutes. For text of his remarks, see Department of State Bulletin, August 27, 1944, p. 197.
In a private meeting with the President, after the large group had left, Mr. Stettinius indicated that he had given to President Roosevelt copies of each of the three plans and a summary memorandum of comparison for ready reference. He also gave to the President a memorandum outlining the seven points on which the American view was not settled: (1) compulsory settlement of disputes; (2) voting by great powers in the Council; (3) election of Council members; (4) number of permanent seats; (5) type of majority vote to be used in the Council; (6) withdrawal and suspension; and (7) ad hoc judges. (Diary, August 23, pp. 7–10.)
↩ - This subcommittee held four meetings, August 23, 24, and 30, and September 4.↩
- Ante, p. 706.↩
- This subcommittee, the largest body, comprising 17 members, held two meetings, on August 23 and 31.↩
- Memorandum B, p. 676.↩
- This subcommittee, staffed primarily with legal experts, and designated essentially as an editorial body, held only one meeting, near the close of the first phase, to consider the editorial form of the agreed Proposals.↩