740.00117 Pacific War/95

The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State 74

No. 354
Ex. 111.00

The Spanish Embassy presents its compliments to the Department of State and begs to transmit herewith the complaint that has been received from the Japanese Government through the “Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores” of Madrid regarding the aerial bombardment of the hospital ship Buenos Aires Maru and which reads as follows: [Page 1045]

  • “(1) While navigating at a point 2 degrees 40 minutes south latitude and 129 [149]75 degrees 20 minutes East longitude at 8:10 November 27 this year, Japanese hospital ship Buenos Aires Maru was attacked by the United States aircraft (Consolidated B 24). Vessel was hit by bomb on portside and sunk in about forty minutes. Said United States aircraft came with sun behind it at altitude of about 1,000 metres from direction of ship’s stern and after dropping one bomb disappeared into cloud in direction of ship’s bow. As soon as ship was struck, life boats, motor boats, etc. numbering 18 in all, were lowered and nearly all wounded and sick soldiers and others on board were taken into life boats or on raft before ship sank. However, about 30 persons in No. 4 hatch including wounded and sick soldiers who were being borne on stretchers were apparently either crushed to death or injured by beam over hatch entrance which fell with violent explosion of the bomb, and went down with ship. Drifting with no means of communication those taken aboard life boats, motor boats, etc. sighted United States patrol planes on several occasions between November 27 and December 2, and on each occasion they hoisted a red cross formed with pieces of red cloth. Said patrol planes seemed to recognize the markings from extremely low altitude at which they flew. In fact, on December 1, one of them flying at altitude of only about [100] metres machine gunned drifting boats packed with wounded and sick soldiers resulting in two killed and one injured. On afternoon December 2, some of drifting boats were discovered and rescued by Japanese vessels which happened to be navigating in vicinity. On basis of reports given by survivors remaining drifting, survivors were rescued by Japanese airplanes and boats on same day and 3rd, but total casualties numbered 374 in dead or missing including nurses going home on relief.
  • (II) Name of Buenos Aires Maru had been duly communicated to United States Government December 1942, through the Spanish Government representing Japanese interests in accordance with stipulations of article 1 of Hague Convention of 1907 for Adaptation of principles of Geneva Convention on Maritime War. —Moreover, in addition to markings stipulated under Article 5 of foregoing Convention, vessel bore special red cross markings for aerial and night purposes designed by Japanese Military Authorities which are extremely easy to recognize. This fact, also, had been duly communicated to United States Government, furthermore weather being very clear at time of attack it was perfectly possible to recognize these markings from low altitude of about 1,000 metres with sun at back. In these circumstances the bombing in question by United States aircraft not only is violation of above mentioned Hague Convention and fundamental principles of International Law, but also must be considered as against humanity, especially killing of innocent nurses as well as machine gunning of wounded. In view of these facts Japanese Government hereby lodge solemn protest with Government of United States urge their reflection and demand prompt reply based upon investigation, punishment of responsible persons and guarantee against recurrence of such incidents in future. At same time Japanese Government declare that they will reserve all rights with respect to [Page 1046] rectification of above mentioned unlawful act. On June 28 last, Japanese Government lodged protest with United States Government through Spanish Government representing Japanese interests concerning attacks upon Arabia Maru and five other Japanese hospital ships. More recently Japanese Government protested to United States Government through same channel concerning similar attacks upon Takasago Maru and three other hospital ships, but to this date they have not been in receipt of any reply instead there is no end to attacks upon Japanese hospital ships as has been proved by sinking of Buenos Aires Maru. This matter on which Japanese Government look with grave concern and to which they desire to draw attention to United States Government.”

[Replies to the three Japanese protests were made in 1944.]

  1. Acknowledged by the Department on January 1, 1944.
  2. Correction based on memorandum No. 91, Ex. 111.00, May 8, 1944, from the Spanish Embassy.