701.0090/3412: Airgram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

A–529. American interests Far East, Teia Maru. Legation’s 7217, November 17.64 Swiss note December 3 transmits excerpts report from Abegg, Swiss delegate, Teia Maru, following return Yokohama of which summary follows.

No case grave illness during voyage Yokohama to Marmagão. However more than 100 sick persons among repatriates. These occasioned numerous difficulties particularly berthing passengers. Two ship doctors, 1 pharmacist, 1 trained nurse and 8 orderlies attended 422 patients.
Twenty-five passengers required sleep mattresses floor several cabins.
Water distribution 2 to 3 hours daily. This insufficient due defective installation.
Meals served in three groups notwithstanding several complaints. Swiss delegates found quantity food sufficient but quality sometimes unsatisfactory.
Wines and liqueurs offered at high prices.
Some complaints regarding service.
Discipline majority passengers irreproachable; however, thefts [Page 947] reported by passengers and vessels officers. Especially 48 containers condensed milk, biscuits and provisions one lifeboat missing 5 days following departure Goa [and?] quartermaster Teia Maru announced following missing[:] 500 sheets and pillowcases, 50 blankets, 25 mattresses and 169 sets tableware. Swiss delegate believes no proof exists passengers committed these thefts.65
Committee and subcommittees designated by repatriates performed very useful work.
Singapore military authorities sent soap, condensed milk, games as gifts Teia Maru evacuees.

  1. Not printed; it reported that the Teia Maru arrived at Yokohama on November 14 (701.0090/3182).
  2. In a memorandum of December 18, the Chief of the Special Division (Keeley) said: “I doubt if any good purpose would be served by calling these deficiencies to Jap’s attention now. It is water over the dam, but if & when a 3rd Exchange is agreed upon we might express expectation that deficiencies of 2nd voyage be remedied in 3rd referring to excellent conditions on Gripsholm. Mr. Long feels we cannot make too much of these deficiencies but that we should insist upon seaworthiness & safety measures including sanitation.”