701.0090/1683: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)
1781. American interests—Far East, repatriation. Reference your 4313, July 20.55 Swiss Legation Tokyo should be informed that Department on July 27 replied56 to communication of Japanese Government dated July 15 [13], 1943 which was delivered at Department after business hours on July 21.57
Department is complying with Japanese request to remove from passenger list of June 24 226 Japanese from Peru. It will likewise eliminate from list as requested by Japanese any of 27 Japanese from Hawaii who do not wish to be separated from their wives and families still remaining in Hawaii. Department gives detailed information regarding 155 individuals referred to in Japanese communication, specifying names of 28 of them, who are willing to be repatriated at this time.
Attached to communication Department provided Spanish Embassy for information of Japanese Government a list of 3,101 Japanese nationals designated by Japanese Government for repatriation who have expressed in writing their refusal to be repatriated. Department attached a further list of 151 individuals who have revoked a previously-expressed intention to be repatriated. Department points out that if any of these individuals subsequently accept repatriation their wishes in the matter will be respected, and that they may be interviewed by Spanish representative at any time.
In concluding paragraphs of note Department indicates its feeling that further delay in exchange might be avoided if Spanish Embassy were given authority, such as has apparently been accorded to protecting Power for Japanese interests elsewhere in this hemisphere, to suggest individuals known to it to desire repatriation on humanitarian or other special grounds or individuals specified by the Japanese Government to fill remaining spaces on the vessel. Department indicates that it will continue its efforts to find among Japanese designated for repatriation persons willing to fill the remaining spaces on passenger list but that the number of refusals encountered handicaps this effort. It points out also that whenever any Japanese designated for repatriation by the Japanese Government accept repatriation their names will be immediately incorporated in the list as has already been done in a note dated July 14 [17]58 naming 14 such individuals and [Page 891] in the present communication naming 28. Department hopes that Japanese Government will observe that the United States Government is prepared to go ahead on the lines of the desires expressed by the Japanese Government and that steps will in view of this immediately be taken looking to the execution of the second exchange in order that the Gripsholm may leave the United States on September 1.