
Memorandum by President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State

I understand both the Army and Navy are definitely of the opinion that Russian continuance as a major factor in the war is of cardinal importance, and therefore it must be a basic factor in our strategy to provide her with the maximum amount of supplies that can be delivered to her ports. I fully indorse this concept.

The present Second Protocol agreement with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics27 terminates in large part by the end of this fiscal year. I have therefore taken steps to ascertain Soviet needs for a Third Protocol covering the period July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1944. As soon as these needs have been received, I intend to ask the various interested agencies as to the degree to which they may be met.

In the meantime, I am asking the various interested agencies that in executing the Second Protocol and in planning their overall programs to the end of the fiscal year 1944, the necessity of meeting Soviet needs in accordance with the above strategical viewpoint must be regarded as a matter of paramount importance.

It is planned to make the Third Protocol offering a joint one by the United States and the United Kingdom, to be drawn up by substantially the same procedure and formula as the Second Protocol.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1. The Second (Washington) Protocol was signed on October 6, 1942, and is printed in Department of State, Soviet Supply Protocols (Washington, Government Printing Office, n.d.), p. 15.