740.0011 European War 1939/27003½
Memorandum of Conversation by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
The Polish Ambassador called to see me this morning. He came with an urgent request from the Polish Prime Minister that the letter addressed to him by the President16 (which he had not yet received and which I handed to the Ambassador while he was with me) be amended so that where the phrase “a strong and independent Poland” was employed, there be added the words “capable of effective defense and capable of economic development”.
I told the Ambassador that inasmuch as the President had already signed the letter which I was handing to the Ambassador for the Prime Minister, I thought it was too late to suggest that any amendments be made. I said that the suggestion made involved a question of high principle inasmuch as the phrase “capable of effective defense” would seem to imply that the Polish Government intended to undertake, as soon as it was reconstituted, a program of rearmament which was entirely counter to the objectives of this Government. I said it was the hope and policy of this Government that the world of the future would depend upon international organization for security, and not upon a new rearmament of all the world powers. With regard [Page 321] to the other part of the suggested amendment, I said that there was implicit throughout the President’s letter the desire of this Government that Poland be afforded every opportunity to develop her resources and to improve her national economy. For that reason, I said, I did not feel able to convey the suggestion to the President.
The Ambassador stated that he was wholly in accord with my point and that he had argued in that sense with the Prime Minister. He said he was confident that the Prime Minister would be more than willing to accept the reply I had made and that he would be wholly satisfied with the letter as signed by the President.
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