811.42793/990: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

264. Embassy’s Despatch 490, June 29, 1942.3 On December 28 Hollington Tong4 inquired whether the Department could send to China under cultural relations program five experts for the Ministry of Information in addition to the two mentioned in reference despatch.

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New requests were for three journalism professors to teach in a school to be established at Chungking by the Ministry; one feature writer to travel about China gathering materials for use by foreign correspondents, and to train about ten Chinese feature writers; and one radio commentator who would advise the Ministry on materials to be broadcast.

On the basis of information available the Department was doubtful whether the last two are of sufficient immediate value to justify the expense, but considered the supplying of journalism teachers to be an outstanding opportunity for service. Funds are available for the three teachers.

Tong was informed it would be necessary for the Department to receive a formal invitation through the Foreign Office. He informed the Department that he cabled December 30 regarding the new requests and stating that the Generalissimo5 desired Tong to establish a new journalism school. A reply December 31 from Tseng Hsu-pai6 appeared to indicate that T. F. Tsiang7 was following the usual procedure on these requests and that Tsiang believed there was no question but that confirmation would be forthcoming if the State Department were willing to finance the added experts.

Tong assumed Tsiang would act upon information already sent. Chinese officials here have received over fifty applications for the three possible openings.

At your discretion please consult appropriate officials regarding formal confirmation of request for the professors.

  1. Foreign Relations, 1942, China, p. 711.
  2. Chinese Vice Minister of Information.
  3. Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Chinese Executive Yuan (Premier).
  4. Director, International Department, Chinese Ministry of Information.
  5. Director, Political Affairs Department, Chinese Executive Yuan.