893.00/15155: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

2026. My 2006, October 22, 3 p.m. regarding bandit attack on Army motor convoy in Yunnan. Foreign Office tells me incident was reported to Generalissimo and that National Government has issued strong instructions. Consul [at] Kunming reports matter was brought to personal attention of Chairman Lung Yun of Provincial Government who has charged the magistrates concerned to deal with the situation under supervision of a provincial commissioner. Ludden has suggested that on the one hand it would not be difficult to obtain punishment of the magistrates by dismissal but on the other hand the situation may be used by General Chen Cheng, National Government Commander, to strengthen his position vis-à-vis Provincial Government. I believe we should avoid being responsible for any such friction if possible and should leave matter as it stands without further pressure until sufficient time has elapsed to disclose whether authorities are taking effective action to deal with situation.
