
The Secretary of State to the Chargé at Tangier (Childs)59

No. 106

Sir: The Department has received your despatch no. 364 of September 30, 1941, informing the Department that the French Resident General has made formal application for the Department’s assent to [Page 592] the application to American ressortissants in the French Zone of Morocco of various taxation dahirs and decrees, these relating to an income tax, the “patente” tax, and a supplement to the “patente” tax.

You may inform the French Resident General that, subject to the reservations suggested by the Legation, which should be embodied in your note to that official, this Government consents to the application of these dahirs and decrees to American nationals and American protected persons as of the date this Government’s consent is conveyed to the French Resident General, provided that they are applied also, of course, to all other nationals without discrimination.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
A. A. Berle, Jr.
  1. A note in accordance with this instruction was addressed to the French Resident General, January 22, 1942; not printed.