300.115(39)/219: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

2502. Procurator General states that from now on he will furnish this Embassy with copies of all writs of summons of cargo which has been seized and which has come before the prize division. We have today received particulars of goods which have been seized from 14 ships. Examination indicates as far as we are able to determine only 2 cases of American goods seized, namely 100 drums of pine oil on the S. S. Wacosta from Gulf Port to Rotterdam consignor Hercules Powder Company consignee to order. Local representative Hercules Powder Company Inc. advised and is communicating with his company. The other case nearly 4,000 tons of rock phosphate from Coronet Phosphate Company; local representative London advises this shipment now released. We will advise you of all cases in which apparently American interests are affected.
