411.12/2456: Telegram

The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

306. Department’s telegram 227, November 16, 3 p.m. Beteta86 informally states that the Mexican Government is not clear as to whether it is the Department’s desire to negotiate a convention covering all claims under the Protocol or only those claims which have been discussed. If the former the Mexican Government would be unwilling to refer to an umpire cases upon which there has been no agreement and which have not been discussed. In that case they would regretfully consider extension of time provided in the Protocol in order to afford an opportunity for discussion of all claims.

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They would prefer, if that is what the Department has in mind, a negotiation, not deriving from the terms of the Protocol, for the purpose of reaching an en bloc settlement of all claims whether discussed or not but excluding the possibility of any reference to an umpire. If the Department’s proposal is for an en bloc settlement or reference to an umpire of only those cases which have been discussed they would agree to this as they are committed to it under the Protocol.

Beteta indicated that they hoped the negotiation could take place here because of the expense of sending representatives to Washington, but said that this question could be determined after determination of the scope of the negotiations. My suggestion to him referred only to negotiations in Washington. The idea of negotiation here was not mentioned by me, but was brought forward spontaneously by Beteta.

  1. Ramón Beteta, Mexican Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs.