824.01/55: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Muccio)

20. Your 43, July 15, 6 p.m. The Associated Press release referred to in the second paragraph of your telegram was based upon the [Page 254] Secretary’s first statement, but the Secretary issued a subsequent statement the same day in which he observed that later information and further study of the matter made it appear that consideration might have to be given to the question of recognition.

From this further study, it would appear that recognition will be necessary. Please telegraph at once your views as to whether the new government meets the criteria of our recognition policy (see Moore’s Digest).8 The manifesto quoted in your 40 July 14, 6 p.m. indicates the intention of the Bolivian Government to respect its international obligations and the legitimate rights of private property. Please report by telegram upon the following points:

The probable stability of the new Government and its ability to maintain public order;
Indications with regard to public support of the government or of effective opposition to it;
Any available information regarding the attitude of other countries on the question of recognition of the new government; and,
Any available information as to what steps, if any, the new government intends to take to secure recognition.

  1. John Bassett Moore, A Digest of International Law, vol. i, pp. 72 ff.