
The Minister in Uruguay (Lay) to the Secretary of State

No. 140

Sir: Referring to Department’s Instructions No. 11 of July 22, 1935, No. 17 of August 13, 1935 and No. 22 of September 10, 1935,9 and Despatches from the Legation Nos. 65 and 66 of August 23, 1935, No. 85 of September 10, 1935 and No. 94 of October 1, 1935,10 regarding discriminatory customs treatment of imports of American lumber and other products, I have the honor to enclose herewith copy and translation of a note from the Uruguayan Foreign Office of December 23, 1935, in reply to mine of August 10, 193511 (transmitted to the Department with Despatch No. 94 of October 1, 1935) from which it appears that the discriminatory customs treatment of lumber and a number of other commodities, complained of in my note, is to be removed.

Respectfully yours,

Julius G. Lay
  1. No. 22, September 10, not printed.
  2. Nos. 85 and 94 not printed.
  3. Neither printed.