638.5131/72: Telegram

The Chargé in Haiti (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

57. Referring to the Legation’s No. 54, July 5, 1 p.m. De la Rue advises Franco-Haitian trade agreement has now been renewed for a [Page 665] period of 1 year (presumably from May 26, 1935, although actual date not yet divulged) under following conditions:

That Haitian Government will buy 30 per cent of its public supplies from France provided French bids are equal to those of other countries;
That Haitian coffee exporters give gentleman’s agreement to ship 50 percent of the total coffee exports in French bottoms, and
That all sacks used for coffee exports to France will be purchased from France.

The Haitian Government has agreed to discuss separately gold service of the 1910 loan but not to submit this question to arbitration.
