
The Department of State to the Haitian Legation


With reference to the memorandum handed the Minister of Haiti on December 20, 1934,11 by Mr. Welles, enclosing a draft of the proposed trade agreement between the Republic of Haiti and the United States of America, there is now attached hereto for the consideration of the Government of Haiti a draft of the proposed agreement12 which contains a revised list of concessions and assurances which the United States is seeking, as well as a revised list of concessions and assurances which it is proposed to grant Haiti, the two lists being entitled, respectively, Schedule I and Schedule II.13 Such changes as have been made on these Schedules conform substantially to the decisions reached in the recent exchange of views between the negotiators acting for the two countries.

It may be pointed out that the general provisions of the attached draft agreement have been altered, since their submission to the Minister of Haiti on December 20, 1934, in order to meet certain objections brought to the attention of the negotiators of the United States by the Haitian negotiators, as well as in order to provide for certain administrative and textual changes which the United States desires at this time to include in the agreement. It is understood [Page 647] that the Government of the United States reserves the right of suggesting such changes in these provisions as well as in the Schedules as may on further consideration seem desirable, prior to their final approval by both Governments.

The Government of the United States hopes that with the submission of the attached draft agreement, the viewpoints of the two Governments have been brought into substantial conformity, and that steps can very shortly be taken leading to the definitive approval of the agreement by the two countries.

  1. Foreign Relations, 1934, vol. v, p. 323.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Neither printed.