
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in El Salvador (Fisher)

No. 172

Sir: The Department has read with interest the Legation’s despatch No. 473, of October 31, 1935, reporting recent developments in connection with the negotiation of a trade agreement with El Salvador.

It is hoped that the conversations you have reported may lead in the near future to direct discussions of possible bases for an agreement. It is assumed that in the six months that have elapsed since the presentation of this Government’s desiderata the Salvadoran Government has had ample opportunity to work out such bases. You should find an early opportunity orally to urge the Salvadoran Government to prepare and present to you a list of the concessions and assurances it requests of the United States, as well as to discuss with you and endeavor to reach a tentative agreement with reference to the concessions and assurances it is prepared to grant the United States.

You should make clear once more to the Salvadoran Government that you have been authorized to reach an ad referendum agreement with reference to the concessions which El Salvador may grant the United States, and explain to the proper authorities that you are prepared in order to reach such an agreement to give full and sympathetic consideration to objections which the Salvadoran Government may make in the cases of specific requests already formulated by the United States in the draft Schedule I.

The Legation is likewise authorized to reach an ad referendum agreement with reference to Schedule II, adhering of course to the instructions already sent on this subject by the Department. It would be helpful if the Salvadoran Government would promptly submit its desiderata to you in order that you may forward them to the Department for appropriate consideration by this Government.

The Department considers that the memorandum prepared by Third Secretary William P. Cochran, Jr., is an excellent interpretation of the views of this Government in respect to the trade agreements policy in general, and constitutes an effective reply to the arguments presented by Dr. Rochac in his memorandum addressed to the Minister of Finance. I trust that the conversations have reached a point where they may now proceed orally and that the Legation in the near future will be able to work out an ad referendum agreement on the bases outlined in this and in previous instructions to you on the subject.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles