
The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

No. 3166

Sir: I have the honor to report that with the exception of minor cases of the “commandeering” of animals by revolutionary troops, there have not been many causes for complaints by foreigners since the revolutionary movement began. The conditions in Chiapas appear to be much more healthy than formerly, but the sections or regions dominated by the Villistas remain unchanged. If an open break between Obregón and Villa has occurred, as has been reported, it will soon be apparent to what degree the new régime is desirous of ridding the country of bandits. The press reports that the Government of Chihuahua has already offered a reward of one hundred thousand pesos for Villa, dead or alive.

[Page 168]

It appears to one in Mexico City that the more or less correct deportment of the revolutionary forces throughout the country has been due to the desire of the new régime to obtain at least de facto recognition from the United States as soon as possible. (Such recognition from other countries would follow). The statements of General Obregón as to the protection of foreigners and their interests in Mexico and as to the necessity of harmony and understanding between Mexico and the United States point to the same desire.

I have [etc.]

George T. Summerlin